Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who are attracted to and why?

Source: California Psychics

We all have our own ideas about which zodiac sign we're most attracted to and we probably have a string of ex-lovers who are the same sign. The truth is that each sun sign has something uniquely sexy to offer. See which ones you're best suited to in this sexy astrological guide.

There's something undeniably appealing about a strong, courageous lover. Aries personifies the heroic image represented in everything from comic books to romantic movies. Not only are Aries bold leaders, they are exciting, confident adventurers. It's been said the Aries horns exist to offer protection when they dive head first into life. While the reality of such an impulsive nature may be hard to handle in a relationship, it's central to what makes Aries so charming - and good in bed. Aries are independent, but don't mistake that for detachment. For the right person, an Aries will definitely play the game - and in fact, the Ram may even prefer a challenge. The athletic, dominant nature of Aries makes them attractive in the most classic and carnal way.

Taureans are notoriously practical creatures who crave stability. For a partner whose own sign leaves life in chaos, the simple, peaceful nature of Taurus can be quite appealing. Next to Aries, Taurus might at first glance seem a bit boring. But nothing could be further from the truth! Bulls are deeply passionate about the pleasures of life, from music and clothing to food and art. They are moved by their senses - a very attractive balance to their otherwise practical nature. Though they are often conservative, they aren't prudes. Taureans are sexy because their sensuality crosses through every element in their lives - from the kitchen to the bedroom.

Where Taurus lovers offer calm, Gemini lovers offer the storm. The dual personas of Geminis make them some of the most intriguing - and charming - people on earth. Geminis are social butterflies who can flit from one conversation to the next without missing a beat. To some, the famous flirtatiousness of Geminis can come across as shallow, but in the end, their sharp wit and youthful energy make Geminis intoxicatingly fun to be with - and incredibly difficult to part from. The twins have an unending sense of adventure and imagination that can draw people to them in an almost magnetic way. Their sex appeal lies in a creative spirit and spark that is constantly changing - yet always attractive.

Just like a crab hiding itself under a shell for protection, Cancers are notorious for keeping their feelings to themselves. But buried beneath those protective layers, Cancers have unusually sensitive, nurturing spirits. Anyone looking for a comforting soul will be turned on by Cancer's fiercely loyal and protective attitude. They have a unique ability to show care, concern and patience, which makes them appealing in a way that even the most jaded person can't deny. The secret of Cancer's sex appeal is the way their sensitivity translates into sentimentality and romance. Despite their tough exteriors, Cancers possess emotional depths that make them incredibly attractive.

Leos are known as proud, strong characters - and exceptional lovers. They're always up for a good time - and ready to put on a show. Leos are famous for sweeping lovers off their feet with dramatically romantic gestures. But even sexier than the Leo sense of grandeur and boldness is their playful, loving nature - and desire to be a rock star in bed. At times, they can even be more like cuddly kittens than roaring lions. Leos can be remarkably affectionate, with warm, generous spirits that you can't help but be charmed by. The playful nature of Leo makes them especially good with kids. See a Leo running around with a bunch of kids, and you'll understand that a big part of their charm is eternal youth.

Virgos are known for their attention to detail (in bed and the bedroom!) and ability to remain extremely focused. Think about what happens when someone is that intensely focused on the object of their desire. Some people see Virgos as puritans, but really they are just purists - people who understand precisely what they want. Virgos have discriminating taste, but once they find something - or someone - they like, their passion is intensely focused. Remember, still waters do run deep. Another aspect of the Virgo sex appeal lies in their understanding that intellectual stimulation can sometimes be the most intoxicating of all. When they allow it to show, the virgin is an exceptionally sensual being.

Because Libras are represented by the balanced scales, they're sometimes thought of as people who avoid conflict at all costs. A wimpy lover who won't stand up for themselves is definitely not sexy - but that's really not what Libras are all about. Libras' sex appeal lies in their connection to harmony and balance. They're likeable, charming people who have a taste for the finer things in life, like art and music. They avoid conflict less out of fear than a desire to simply enjoy life at its best (without the distraction of conflict). And loving life, well, that's pretty sexy when it translates to the bedroom. Plus, their appreciation of sexy lingerie goes a long way.

Uncovering the Scorpio sex appeal isn't very difficult - Scorpios are known as the most sensual of all signs. It's not that all Scorpios are obsessed with sex, they just tend to be driven toward sensual experiences more than the rest of us. The Scorpio intensity isn't just about seduction, though. Scorpions are also known for being incredibly driven and able to accomplish anything they feel passionate about. They aren't ambitious for money or material things, but will work hard to accomplish great things for causes that really matter to them in a profound way. Scorpios are deeply curious and interested in constantly learning about new things. If a Scorpio is interested in you, they'll ask a lot of questions and try to get to know you. That kind of attention is flattering… and sexy. Their emotional energy can sometimes make Scorpios controversial figures, but at the end of the day, there's no denying the appeal of such passionate individuals.

On paper, the half-horse, half-human hybrid Sagittarius may seem a little odd. But think about what that combination represents: the powerful physical strength of an animal with the sharp intellect of a human being. Now that's sex appeal! Sagittarians are truth-seekers and adventurers. Their determination to go to the ends of the earth to find meaning and truth can also be a real turn on. Sagittarians are bright, energetic people who constantly crave excitement and change. They're also known for being jovial and charismatic. They have an optimism and energy that draws people to them - traits that can certainly carry over into the bedroom.

Capricorns don't always present the most glamorous type of sex appeal, but they can be sexy nonetheless - especially if you think strength and money is a turn on because they usually have both. You know, those strong, silent types? Capricorns are known for being practical, organized people. But the flip side is that they are also reliable and traditional in a way that can be very attractive to people seeking comfort in stability. They also have a dedication to getting things done right. Let's just say their determination and attention to detail can lead to a very thorough night of romance.

Aquarians are the ultimate free spirits - independent and non-traditional, yet somehow in harmony with the world around them. The idealism and hopeful energy surrounding Aquarius can be undeniably attractive. But because of their fierce independence, Aquarians are often uncomfortable with emotional closeness. Luckily, this distance is balanced by the fact that Aquarians often have a romantic streak a mile long. So despite the need for independence, they can use their trademark inventive energy to create a sensual, romantic moment - for the right person. Let's just say they're better at one night stands than forever.

Like Aquarius, Pisces are idealistic and hopeful. But even more than just being philosophically positive, the fish is thoughtful, sympathetic and caring. Pisces are sexy because they really, really care. They go the extra mile, root for the underdog and champion lost causes. They're sensitive and sometimes shy, but there's never any doubt where a Pisces heart lies. Anyone who's looking for a real-life, every day hero will be unable to deny the sex appeal of Pisces. Because of their intuitive nature, Pisces are also thought to be connected to the dream world. Think about the last sexy dream you had and imagine how exciting it would be if someone could sense your inner wants and desires. That's what makes Pisces sexy.

We all have ideas about what kind of people we're attracted to. But the truth is, there are a million different ways to be sexy. Sun signs are just one way (of many!) to get in touch with our own sexy side, and to learn what someone else desires most.

Find your astrological love match! Get a psychic reading today. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Saturday, January 10, 2009