Thursday, January 28, 2010

Proudly Presents my students' write up

Take a closer look at the picture shown above. I've used it as part of my chapter test for the 4th Year students. The instruction is:
Look at the given picture. Make a composition composed of at least 100 words. Create your own title.

What amazed me is that these two students were able to write with substance. Imagine they only had 15 minutes to do this since the test was quite long.

by Jensen Rico

Human life is a sacred gift from God. The emergence of a single soul on earth means another birth of a human being who will soon experience the twists and thrills of the world. Life, therefore, is a thing to be treasured. Humans like us should be happy enough to accept the breath of life which God has given to us.

Human life happens for a reason. We didn't appear by just saying a "Hocus Pocus" or a lasting spell. We are the mighty trees who once came from a single seed that was nurtured below the cold earth. For nine months of stay in the soft walls of our mother's uterus which serves as our first home, we can't help but admire the beauty of life. Yet, the road of life is not always smooth. Sometimes, you have to jump at the far heights just to escape from a stumbling stone. But a smile will never fade from our faces when we overcome those trials. As what they have said, life must continue.

We are the authors of our very own life. More so, we have undergone the various stages of life. We remember those childish moments when all days for us were meant for sleeping, playing, and of course, for enjoying everything. But life doesn't stop right there. We have to move on and we can't avoid the inevitable countdown of years. Soon we realize that we have reached the teenage years. Then, we'll be entering the portal of parenthood. Until we realize that we have already grandsons. Thus, life is a process that will continue.

Life is really wondrous. What we should do is to enjoy and treasure it. We should savor life's pleasures - even if it's in pain or not.

by Kane Batiancila

They were made from love, are made to live with love and must end up full of love. They are creations God made to be taken care of and believed to give fun to everyone. They were beings with nothing blessed to do but laugh and cry. They are the children with so much cuteness and happiness when they smile.

Aside from the fact that they are needed to complete the cycle of human kind, they are also believed to be blessings from above. They must be handled with care, must not make them cry, give what they need (even though they do not speak, teach them the "hows and whats" in this world, to name a few for what our parents usually say.

But on the other hand, some people consider them as garbages and waste for the reason that the child was just created by an accident, due to the reason that they do not want that gift or what we call "unwanted child." This might be true but parents with this problem don't remember that what they did in order for that gift to be created is caused by their love to one another, that they've agreed to do the act willingly.

Thus, no matter what consequences it may give you, you must embrace it with will and determination just like how you accepted what you did. You must also seek guidance for the responsibility waiting for you because children are created to be born and that killing them is an act of murder. They are created to live their life, enjoy and have fun for children are not just thrashes, they are blessings of love.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year ... New Life

"Remember the laughter, the joy, the hard work, and the tears.
And as you reflect on the past year, also think of the new one to come.
Because most importantly,
this is a time of new beginnings and the celebration of life.”

Happy new year to everyone!