Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Shouldn't Have Asked

"I wish I should not have asked." This was what I said after I talked with two students.

Wondering why?

My heart bled after I asked them.

Most of my students cannot pay contributions on time. One of them handed his payment for the school publication fee (long time overdue already) the other day. Afer I received the payment, I commented "it is still erly in the morning but you look exhausted already." He did not give any reply so I asked "From where are you? What is your means of transportation in coming to school?" It took a while before he responded. He said "My brother and I come to school by means of walking. We would start walking from 3 a.m. just to reach school at 7:30a.m. ma'am."

Another student always makes absences so when I saw him in the classroom, I called his attention. Outside of their room I asked him "why are you having absences? You are already fourth year, you should not be making absences otherwise you'll not pass your subjects." He stared at the ground before giving an answer. Then, he answered "Ma'am I really want to come to school everyday but I don't have fare in coming to school. Our house is quite far from here. My grandmother has cancer and I attend to her needs too."

You see? I said my heart bled after I asked them because these students are victims of circumstances. How could they be suffering at an early stage still? Then,what can I do to help them? I already have one student being sponsored. My budget won't be enough to help all needy students...

1 comment:

mark said...

We should be thankful that some of us don’t have a financial problem. But do not pity those who are not. I think it is excusable for those students who cannot come to school early because they don’t have any money for the fare, or allowances, due to poverty. And some of these students whose parents are depending only on their land meaning they have to till the soil and harvest the crops in order have some money.

But for me some students that making absences and late comings have some reasons like going to internet cafe, billiards or in the park only to let time pass by. They let time pass by, but they didn’t know they also let their future pass by.