Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wow, i really like the video shown in this site.
Thanks to the author of the book.
I really have gained insights for me to have a chance to have a a Wealthy Soul.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cognizance of a Facile Mind

In French "Chacun a son gout" or in English "To each is its own..." or it could also be translated as "different strokes for different folks" is true.

I've been teaching for more almost seven years already, had been under different administrators - eight of them specifically. Individual differences really show no matter how high the position a person is holding. Every administrator has its own taste. Differing upbringings, culture, values, and experiences cause us to have different perspective when given a particular situation.

Mind you, for almost seven years I could say that no matter how high a position one is holding, still he or she has biasis. Surely, there are those who are fair enough but there are also those who just listen to one side of a particular issue without even verifying what really are the two sides of the coin. My personal experiences have taught me this harsh reality. And that no matter what you do, there are still those who interpret what you are doing negatively.

A simple illustration in my Psychology class way back in college is a dominant truth that people uphold. When given a clean sheet of paper with a small dot in a particular part, what people notice is the dot and not the clean part. Very sad to note this truth. Who is perfect? Nobody is. Nobody will be but we could help each other reach our goal or objective. Instead of acting like crabs, we could be ants. Why pull each other when it is better to help carry the load of another person?

Easy to say but difficult to do. When a person shines, we love to find ways to smash the person's heart. When we look up above and see a bright star, what most say is not "how beautiful the star is", what most people say is "that star will lose its light someday." How could we be so mean? How could the people around us be so unfair? How could we smile yet break persons' hearts?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Inspirational Quotes about life

"We have no choice of what color we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once we're here." - Mildred Taylor

"We live in deeds, not years: In thoughts not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heartthrobs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." - David Bailey

"We will often find compensation if we think more of what life has given us and less about what life has taken away." - William Barclay

Thursday, December 10, 2009


How would you feel if the one you love (whom you think does not love you), actually loves you too? But it was too late when you have learned it since he is already in somebody else's arms?

In my own point of view, I think the problem there is not love. The problem is that either of the two might have pretended that they do not have the "love" in their heart so it ended that way. Circumstances have tested the love they have for each other but the man might not have stood up for the love that he has.

Filipino culture dictates that it is really the man who has to make the first move, right? But there are also Filipinas who are becoming very liberal. In my case, I still prefer to uphold our culture. I always believe in LOVE. However, I do not force myself to someone whom I think does not give me the love that I deserve. Though I may have feelings for that man also, I still prefer to wait for him to do the first move. "Forced marriage" is not part of my vocabulary. If one has to marry me, it must be that he initiated the idea and not that he will marry me because of false or made-up reasons. After all, after the wedding or the marriage, what will bite me is reality. I may have the man as my husband on a piece of paper (contract) but I may never have his heart. As the saying goes "You may force the horse to go with you to a riverbank but you cannot force the horse to drink the water in the river."