Monday, March 29, 2010

Open Letter to the 2010 Graduates of MRVNHS

March 29, 2010

Dear (Name of Graduate),

Time is really beyond our control. For a moment, it was only part of June but now the School Year is over and it is today that you will savor the taste of the fruits of your sweat and sacrifice.

Graduation connotes various meaning. For most of you, it means success. it may be a form of relief since toilsome tasks and rigorous trainings are over. Furthermore, it may also be a milestone.

Looking back, for a short span of time that we have been together, I believe we had bittersweet memories. I think you will agree if I will say that for you having me as your English teacher is totally having a hard nut to crack. Remember the first time you need to deliver a speech, explain a quotation, perform a play, tell a story, reveal your love story, have a jigsaw puzzle, conduct and defend a research, etcetera?

For a couple of times, you considered those as head-cracking tasks... You might be familiar with the seed germination process. The seed coat has to open up so that the embryo would be able to come out and eventually become a seedling. That process is never easy. The point that I'd like to drive at is that like a seed, you have to grow and develop. The choice to grow is within you.

What I'd like to ask from you is not admiration but an application of what you have learned. The real test is not in the classroom. The real test is the test of LIFE.

As you leave the portals of MRVNHS, let this formula be your guide:

Congratulations and Godspeed!

Ma'am Reah


Anonymous said...

thank you ma'am for giving us this kind of, we are inspired to study for our future.thanks again!as of now i'm writing a letter to my fellow graduates and i do not find difficulties in making a sentence because some of the words of my letter is from your letter.


Unknown said...

Ma'am, reading your letter reminded me of our high school memories at LNU-ILS. All most the same requirements as ours. By the way, your play requirement is one of my best memories in your class. :)

-Barnett, Batch 2005

Inday May said...

Dear Shela,
It's all right. What is important is you try writing one. Keep on writing and see the results in the future. Remember, constant correct practice makes perfect.

Inday May said...

Dear Barnett,
Thanks Barnett. You're class has left many footprints in my heart because I was your adviser for three years. Take note you were also my very first advisory class...
The good old days I've spent with you... will always be in my heart and mind.

Inday May said...

Jensen D. Rico: thank you so much ma'am for being a good teacher to us...
May 21 at 3:22pm · Like