Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To the 2011 Graduates

By: May Reah Pasayloon-Carel
Written on 3/30/2011 at 10:15 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.

Time indeed flies so fast
that today you’ll graduate at last.

For four years of your high school life…
You did tasks with patience & sometimes with strife.
You’ve learned how to love, hate and forgive
classmates who are hard-headed,
schoolmates who seem not supportive,
teachers who have different initiative.

Between us are bitter-sweet memories…
English time might have been paradoxical
due to head-cracking activities
which are not all comical.

All those were for you
To be better and to grow,
To be somebody new:
Somebody who has gone out of the shell,
Somebody whose name may ring a bell,
Somebody whose future I can’t foretell.

You are like a germinating seed,
Lessons are your food and drink.
Just as gold needs refinery,
You too have to undergo the process efficaciously.

I wish that you will have…
happiness in your life’s journey,
wisdom in making a decision,
and courage coupled with energy
in facing travails you might not have known.

Yesterday may gradually bid adieu
But the lessons learned, hope wouldn’t be forgotten by you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"The Christ Commission" by Og Mandino

I've scanned this book before but did not really take much interest in reading it until this week... What struck me is the question WAS THE RESURRECTION A HOAX? I really found myself engrossed in reading it. I wish I should not just have scanned it before :-)

Anyway here are the quotes I find valuable in this book:
"Truth can never hurt anyone, for it is the foundation of all knowledge and the cement of all societies." (Joseph) page 15

"Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools." (Joseph) page 17

"So many of us must first fall into to darkest wells of despair before we learn to appreciate the sight of a single star." (Joseph) page 231