Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To the 2011 Graduates

By: May Reah Pasayloon-Carel
Written on 3/30/2011 at 10:15 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.

Time indeed flies so fast
that today you’ll graduate at last.

For four years of your high school life…
You did tasks with patience & sometimes with strife.
You’ve learned how to love, hate and forgive
classmates who are hard-headed,
schoolmates who seem not supportive,
teachers who have different initiative.

Between us are bitter-sweet memories…
English time might have been paradoxical
due to head-cracking activities
which are not all comical.

All those were for you
To be better and to grow,
To be somebody new:
Somebody who has gone out of the shell,
Somebody whose name may ring a bell,
Somebody whose future I can’t foretell.

You are like a germinating seed,
Lessons are your food and drink.
Just as gold needs refinery,
You too have to undergo the process efficaciously.

I wish that you will have…
happiness in your life’s journey,
wisdom in making a decision,
and courage coupled with energy
in facing travails you might not have known.

Yesterday may gradually bid adieu
But the lessons learned, hope wouldn’t be forgotten by you.

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