Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Major Ingredient to be Resilient

Best Output during the Regional Campus Journalism Training for Division Mentors last July 29 to August 1, 2015 at Leyte National High School, Tacloban City

Mise en place!

That is the first instruction given by our instructor in Bread and Pastry Production. It rings a bell to my ears since how it is pronounced gives me a tingling effect.

At first, I thought it was ‘mess and plus’, Deep inside of me I also asked how these two words go together. Our teacher might have read my mind through my eyes because she got a piece of chalk and wrote on the board – MISE EN Place (French) which means prepare or put everything in order.

Aside from learning languages, cooking especially baking occupies a soft spot in my heart (and tummy of course!) That is why, when my fellow teachers told me they will undergo a special training for Bread and Pastry Production, I volunteered to join.

When our teacher said that our first project is a black forest cake, my heart leaped with joy. My mind has a picture of a black and white combination of the cake plus the chocolate chips that are all over it.

The reminder given by our teacher is simple. Prepare everything. It brought me back to the truth that there is no shortcut. If I want to have my output, I have to do step 1.

Mise en place. I have to prepare all necessary tools, equipment and ingredients. Then, it will be easy to do the next steps.

Even in baking, I am reminded about life. That is to take life in a step-by-step process. Most importantly, to be prepared for whatever surprises life may bring us.

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