Monday, April 11, 2016

Valedictory Address (March 2015)

This was written for Angel on March 24, 2015 at 6:15a.m.-7:14 a.m.

March 29, 2015. This is the day that the Lord has made! This is a special day because we experience mixed feelings of reminiscing the past, cherishing the present, and looking forward to take the next stage of our academic life. This is also the day when we give due recognition to our parents, teachers and friends.

First, I would like to thank our God Almighty for the gift of life and intelligence. Today will not be possible without His Divine guidance.

Second, thank you Papa Grin and Mama Bebilou. All these medals and certificates are for you. Without your love, support and encouragement, I would not be where I am now today.

To all my teachers, thank you. Your efforts in teaching us will never be forgotten. We started as larva when we enrolled in this school and you have transformed us into butterflies. The process of metamorphosis is not easy because it required rigorous work and sleepless nights. Thank you for letting me join different competitions in school and even up to the regional level. Joining Miss Intrams, MTAP, Science Quiz Bee, Da Math, Oratorical & Journalism contests have brought me to different places like Calubian, Leyte, Kananga, Albuera, Bato and Sogod. Thank you my dear teachers foo all those opportunities. Coupled with them are the memories deposited in our memory banks.

To all my classmates and friends, thank you. I would like to make special mention to JAMPCPJ - Judail, yours truly, Maryflor (even when you are in Cebu already), Chloe, Princess and Joecil. Thank you for the friendship and thank you for being at my side always. And to the rest of my classmates and friends, thank you for making my six years stay at Tabango Central School a meaningful one.

Steve Jobs said "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future..."

Batch 2015, let us connect the dots from the past to the present and up to the future by continuing our studies. We all know that education is education is the passport of a better tomorrow. As the theme for this year states "Saktong Buhay: Sa De-Kalidad na edukasyon pinanday." If we want quality life, then let us get quality education.

GMA's StarStruck TV Program's theme says dream, believe, survive. Let us dream big. Let us believe in ourselves. Let's find ways to survive.

Batch 2015, let us take the challenge to be the best persons we can be. God bless us in our journey.

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