Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Open Letter to the '09 Graduates of MRVNHS

(This letter was reproduced and was distributed to the '09 Graduates.)

March 31, 2009

Dear (Name of the Student),

My heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS on your Graduation Day! I believe, I can't fathom the happiness you feel right now for finally you will reap the fruits of your labor. You will now be declared as GRADUATE of Marcelino R. Veloso national High School.

You see, time really moves swiftly 'cause it was as if yesterday that you were a student of MRVNHS. Now, you will be leaving the portals of your Alma Mater.

You have left a mark in my heart for you have been under my teachings for almost three years. I know, your graduation is a thorn pulled from your heart for finally you will not be facing your tigress, lioness, crocodile (whatever name there is) teacher.

I could say we have had bittersweet memories, I'd like to thank you for being part of my teaching career. I knew all the while what you felt with all the requirements I gave you. Well, for all you know, I only wanted you to develop your full potential and be globally competitive individuals. Like gold or other brilliant stones, it does not shine as soon as miners have dug it. It has to undergo refinery for its beauty to come out. The process of digging itself is painful (if gold has a heart) for it means going out of its comfort zone. Much more is the process of refinery for it means undergoing heat and pressure.

Many times, I may have been misunderstood or there were even times you hated me. It does not matter now, what matters is what you have become and who you will be in the future (if only you will make use of my teachings).

On the other hand, you will now be facing another stage of your life. There are only few reminders I'd like you to bear in mind. Have a goal. Try to see who you want to be in the future. Then, be determined to reach that goal. Have courage for many times you might feel disappointed or frustrated. Bear in mind, life is not a bed of roses. Yes, there are roses but there are more thorns than petals. Of course, you have to pray. Whatever your plans are, lift them up to God. He answers prayers. I can attest to that.

God bless your dreams!

With love and prayer,
Ma'am Reah

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