Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quotes Related to Teaching

"A good teacher
smiles in troubles...
gathers strength from stress...
and grows bravely by reflection and prayers!

"Dear Teacher, I see that you're tired, sometimes bored, stressed and worrid. I tell you, do not drop our chalk box and put down your pen. Keep those lessons on track, the day is not that bad. Why worry about your students? After all, it's not your battle... It's mine. Workingis notonly done alone by you, rather YOU & ME. You just have to do your best and I'll take are of the rest.
Your Principal,
Jesus Christ"

"God made culinary arts nd HRM or riches...
then nurses and architects to brainy...
slightly rich, competitive, yet humble individuals were born...
God named them TEACHERS."

"I realized that being a TEACHERis incomparable.
As we care for our students,
we learn to cove our sorrow with a smile.
we learn how tostay vigorous despite all the tasks we endure.
we learn how to gie hope even thouh oursis unclearly seen.
We learn how to give strength even at times that we are weak.
Nobody would know what kin of life a teacher has.
Unless they become one."

"Name the 5 wealthiest people,7 Oscar Winners,10 American Presidents.
The point is, none of us remembers the headliners o yeserday, simply ecase he applause dies ad awards are forgtten.
Here's another quiz:
Name 3 teachers who taught you well, 3 friends who stood by you, 5 people who made you special.
Because those who make a difference in your life are not those with the most money, credentals, or awards.
They're th ones who truly care."

"Teachers' survival kit in life:
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS to remind yo that ou're not alone in this jouney, you'll always have a guide...
ERASER to remind you tht mistaks can be corrected...
LESSON PLAN to remind you of your objectives in life...
CLASS RECORD toremind you taht we can't be perfect in everyting...
BALLPEN to remind you to list your blessings everyday...
SEAT PLAN to remind you that we all have our own placs in God's plan...
OPENING and Closing prayer to remind you that God is the greatest teacher...

"Teaching may not be a lurative postion. It cannot guarantee financil security. It even means investing your personal time, energy, and resources. Sometimes, it means disappointments, heartaches and pains but touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children can give joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are the moments you teach for. These are themomens you live for..."

"When you save a person's life, they call you a HERO.
When you combine effort with caring, they call you an EXPERT.
When you share your compassion, they call you a FRIEND.
And when you do all these, they call you a TEACHER."

"Why is it good to make friends with a teacher?
It is because they have
a HEART tht never hardens,
a TEMPER that never rises,
a TOUCH that ever hurts, ad
a LOVE that never fails."


Unknown said...

i really admire teachers who cares a lot for their students.Even though they have to sacrifice their own happiness just for the sake of their students. I salute to you guys.

Unknown said...

Our group really believes in this article because we always appreciate those teachers who taught us formal education especially now that we are experiencing global crisis. Thus, we want to say THANK YOU for those priceless lessons you have taught us. We admire all of you. Thank you also for teaching us the real value of education that we can bring and recall in our future lives.

-Roxy, JycZ, Marj& Kane-