Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Playing Solitaire has Unexpected Life-Learning Lessons

Solitaire... To give you a glimpse as to what is it, here is a definition/description provided by Wikipedia:
"Solitaire, also called patience, often refers to single-player card games involving a layout of cards with a goal of sorting them in some manner. However it is possible to play the same games competitively (often a head to head race) and cooperatively. The games are generally referred to as "patience" in British English and "solitaire" in American English. The term solitaire is also used for single-player games of concentration and skill using a set layout of tiles, pegs or stones rather than cards. These games include Peg solitaire and Shanghai solitaire.These games typically involve dealing cards from a shuffled deck into a prescribed arrangement on a tabletop, from which the player attempts to reorder the deck by suit and rank through a series of moves transferring cards from one place to another under prescribed restrictions. Some games allow for the reshuffling of the deck(s), and/or the placement of cards into new or "empty" locations."

Why do peole play solitaire?
Each person has reasons for doing so but basically solitaire is played for entertainment but there are those who play it because they believe it answers a question or it tells you if your wish will be fulfilled. My reason for playing solitaire is more of the latter. A friend in College told me, if you play solitaire 3x and you were able to solve each game, YES is the answer to the question you posed.

Nothing is wrong when we believe in this, right? Anyway, just for fun I play solitaire sometimes. As I play, I felt disheartened for according the the statistics in my computer, I was only able to solve 41%. Oh? That's not even half or even 3/4. So, I've said to myself, there must be a solution to every game. the key perhaps is being extra careful in clicking or transferring a card from one place to another.

However, no matter how careful I am, there are really times that false hopes are ignited in my mind. Yes, false hopes! For many times I thought the game is about to be solved only to find out the computer says:
No more available moves.
What would you like to do?
Quit and count this game as part of your loss in the statistics.
Continue playing.
Undo the last move.
Try another game.
The end. I thought. I was not born to surrender. Hence, I often would choose the 4th option, that is, try another game.

Then, I was able to discover each game has available hints so I make use of them but then again oftentimes, the computer says NO MORE HINTS... Then, I'm back on my own trying to figure out how to solve the game.

What then are the lessons I'm talking about?
#1 Solitaire is only a game. It does not answer your question. Sometimes, there might be coincidences but the answer lies in your hand.

#2 When there are no moves available, you can always choose to play another game and hope that the next game will be solved.

#3 Do not rely on HINTS. Yes, many times I was able to solve games even if it already says no more hints.

#4 The value of sacrifice/patience. For example,almost all of your cards are already arranged according to each kind, but then there are still unopened cards you can actually choose to bring down the cards again. It may consume much time but if your goal is to solve then you need to do it. In life, we have goals. We'd like to reach goals but we don't want to step backwards in order to run fast.

#5 Don't get addicted to playing solitaire. There are many ways to make your time fruitful. Playing once in a while is fine but playing every minute is nonsensical.

#6 Not every game can be solved. Yes, same with life. The reality is that not all questions have answers.

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