Sunday, April 26, 2009

Make Peace With Your Pain

Source: California Psychics

Every day of our lives we are bombarded with remedies for pain - physical pain, emotional pain, mental and spiritual pain - to make it disappear. But what if our pain is trying to tell us something important?

Perhaps you have a chronic headache that you medicate with pain relievers all the time. Even the pain reliever bottles tell you that if the symptoms persist you should see a doctor. But rather than get in the habit of shutting out pain in the first place, consider an alternative approach for every kind of pain - physical, mental emotional and spiritual.

Get acquainted
Familiarize yourself with the circumstances surrounding your discomfort. Get to know that headache, for example. Does it usually start in a particular area? When does it appear? Is it related to activities or foods you're eating? Does it start when you've spent an hour or so working under fluorescent lights? Or is it triggered by stress? Once you've gotten acquainted with the patterns and nature of your headache, you'll have some ideas about what to do next to address the cause, whether it's changing your light bulbs or seeing a doctor to learn about migraines. Use the same process with your emotional, mental and spiritual pain.

There's another problem with shutting down, blocking out and generally pretending your pain doesn't exist, especially if it's emotional pain. It doesn't actually go away! Picture your mind and your psyche as a big house, with lots of closets… most of which are full of accumulated, rotting junk. That's where you've hidden all the unresolved emotional pain since you were little and they told you to turn out the light, or stop sniveling, or grow up… and those closets are often so full that if you open the door the contents will come gushing out on top of you - old grudges, childhood terrors, betrayals and more.

Declutter emotional buildup
What's built up in those closets daily affects how you respond to the world and what you expect out of life. If you want to come to terms with your emotional pain, to free up the enormous amount of energy it takes to hold it at bay and afterward to enjoy life more, why not do some spring cleaning? Let out those ghosts in the closets, and then get acquainted with them, one by one. Get to know the source of your sadness, or pessimism, or commitment phobia, or fear of abandonment. Use meditation, journaling, or any of the countless self-help techniques available these days, and you are likely to learn some surprising things!

Perhaps you know you're in pain because you broke up with your lover. That's so obvious, you think, so what's to learn? That's a universally accepted reason for emotional pain. But there still may be something to learn. Ask yourself if you were happy in the relationship. Maybe you realize that you weren't, and had even been thinking of moving on. In that case, why the pain? Because you'll be embarrassed in front of your friends? Nah, you say, you've been wanting to dump them for ages. And then the light bulb goes on. A part of you believes that the breakup means you're unlovable, that you'll never find happiness in a relationship. Okay, now you've gotten to the core of it and arrived at the place where the real journey begins, where you can get to know your pain and follow its path to wisdom and healing.

Sort it out
When you're dealing with stuff from your past, it's particularly important to look at it from the viewpoint of who you are now. That alone can bring a tremendous shift! It's also important to recognize when you need help and another viewpoint, whether it be a counselor, a close friend or a self- help book dealing with your challenges.

But remember that this isn't about getting rid of pain. It's about letting the pain show you how to honor yourself and all your needs, about mining the wisdom hidden in the dark corners of your psyche, and clearing the rubble out of your path to a happier, and - as a side benefit - less painful, future.

So the next time pain shows up in your life, you can welcome it as a teacher and motivator rather than - well, just a pain!

Are you hurting? Get support from one of our gifted psychics. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Student Once Again

My first day of classes... That is today. I was quite excited to be a student once again. It was last week that my mother and I went to a school in Ormoc. I decided to transfer to another school for personal and financial reasons. I loved my previous school but I just have to transfer if I want to finish my Masteral studies the soonest possible time.

I really want to finish my Masteral studies because of a major decision I'd like to take next year. Sorry, I just can't discuss the details here (maybe some other time).

I've met many new friends today. Gaining friends is one of the light side of studying. It just feels good to be a student once more.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Playing Solitaire has Unexpected Life-Learning Lessons

Solitaire... To give you a glimpse as to what is it, here is a definition/description provided by Wikipedia:
"Solitaire, also called patience, often refers to single-player card games involving a layout of cards with a goal of sorting them in some manner. However it is possible to play the same games competitively (often a head to head race) and cooperatively. The games are generally referred to as "patience" in British English and "solitaire" in American English. The term solitaire is also used for single-player games of concentration and skill using a set layout of tiles, pegs or stones rather than cards. These games include Peg solitaire and Shanghai solitaire.These games typically involve dealing cards from a shuffled deck into a prescribed arrangement on a tabletop, from which the player attempts to reorder the deck by suit and rank through a series of moves transferring cards from one place to another under prescribed restrictions. Some games allow for the reshuffling of the deck(s), and/or the placement of cards into new or "empty" locations."

Why do peole play solitaire?
Each person has reasons for doing so but basically solitaire is played for entertainment but there are those who play it because they believe it answers a question or it tells you if your wish will be fulfilled. My reason for playing solitaire is more of the latter. A friend in College told me, if you play solitaire 3x and you were able to solve each game, YES is the answer to the question you posed.

Nothing is wrong when we believe in this, right? Anyway, just for fun I play solitaire sometimes. As I play, I felt disheartened for according the the statistics in my computer, I was only able to solve 41%. Oh? That's not even half or even 3/4. So, I've said to myself, there must be a solution to every game. the key perhaps is being extra careful in clicking or transferring a card from one place to another.

However, no matter how careful I am, there are really times that false hopes are ignited in my mind. Yes, false hopes! For many times I thought the game is about to be solved only to find out the computer says:
No more available moves.
What would you like to do?
Quit and count this game as part of your loss in the statistics.
Continue playing.
Undo the last move.
Try another game.
The end. I thought. I was not born to surrender. Hence, I often would choose the 4th option, that is, try another game.

Then, I was able to discover each game has available hints so I make use of them but then again oftentimes, the computer says NO MORE HINTS... Then, I'm back on my own trying to figure out how to solve the game.

What then are the lessons I'm talking about?
#1 Solitaire is only a game. It does not answer your question. Sometimes, there might be coincidences but the answer lies in your hand.

#2 When there are no moves available, you can always choose to play another game and hope that the next game will be solved.

#3 Do not rely on HINTS. Yes, many times I was able to solve games even if it already says no more hints.

#4 The value of sacrifice/patience. For example,almost all of your cards are already arranged according to each kind, but then there are still unopened cards you can actually choose to bring down the cards again. It may consume much time but if your goal is to solve then you need to do it. In life, we have goals. We'd like to reach goals but we don't want to step backwards in order to run fast.

#5 Don't get addicted to playing solitaire. There are many ways to make your time fruitful. Playing once in a while is fine but playing every minute is nonsensical.

#6 Not every game can be solved. Yes, same with life. The reality is that not all questions have answers.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lovable kids

I guess you agree with the title, right?

The first three photos are of Diana Marie. I am her tutor. She is ate Jojilyn's daughter.

The last two photos are of Shanise. She is Mrs. Sol Lumarda's (Schools Division Superintendent of Leyte Division) grand daughter.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thought to Ponder

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
- Anonymous

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quotes Related to Teaching

"A good teacher
smiles in troubles...
gathers strength from stress...
and grows bravely by reflection and prayers!

"Dear Teacher, I see that you're tired, sometimes bored, stressed and worrid. I tell you, do not drop our chalk box and put down your pen. Keep those lessons on track, the day is not that bad. Why worry about your students? After all, it's not your battle... It's mine. Workingis notonly done alone by you, rather YOU & ME. You just have to do your best and I'll take are of the rest.
Your Principal,
Jesus Christ"

"God made culinary arts nd HRM or riches...
then nurses and architects to brainy...
slightly rich, competitive, yet humble individuals were born...
God named them TEACHERS."

"I realized that being a TEACHERis incomparable.
As we care for our students,
we learn to cove our sorrow with a smile.
we learn how tostay vigorous despite all the tasks we endure.
we learn how to gie hope even thouh oursis unclearly seen.
We learn how to give strength even at times that we are weak.
Nobody would know what kin of life a teacher has.
Unless they become one."

"Name the 5 wealthiest people,7 Oscar Winners,10 American Presidents.
The point is, none of us remembers the headliners o yeserday, simply ecase he applause dies ad awards are forgtten.
Here's another quiz:
Name 3 teachers who taught you well, 3 friends who stood by you, 5 people who made you special.
Because those who make a difference in your life are not those with the most money, credentals, or awards.
They're th ones who truly care."

"Teachers' survival kit in life:
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS to remind yo that ou're not alone in this jouney, you'll always have a guide...
ERASER to remind you tht mistaks can be corrected...
LESSON PLAN to remind you of your objectives in life...
CLASS RECORD toremind you taht we can't be perfect in everyting...
BALLPEN to remind you to list your blessings everyday...
SEAT PLAN to remind you that we all have our own placs in God's plan...
OPENING and Closing prayer to remind you that God is the greatest teacher...

"Teaching may not be a lurative postion. It cannot guarantee financil security. It even means investing your personal time, energy, and resources. Sometimes, it means disappointments, heartaches and pains but touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children can give joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are the moments you teach for. These are themomens you live for..."

"When you save a person's life, they call you a HERO.
When you combine effort with caring, they call you an EXPERT.
When you share your compassion, they call you a FRIEND.
And when you do all these, they call you a TEACHER."

"Why is it good to make friends with a teacher?
It is because they have
a HEART tht never hardens,
a TEMPER that never rises,
a TOUCH that ever hurts, ad
a LOVE that never fails."