Monday, September 7, 2009

Learning can be fun!

Being a child is a short span only for when we reach our teenage years we start to act like an adult. After teenage years is already adulthood. We cannot just act like a child and do childlike ways. Can you imagine what other people will say when you play jackstone, run around the garden, play "bahaybahayan", etcetera?

Lucky are those kids who are given time by their parents to explore and enjoy their childhood days. I'm having tutorial classes when I am not that busy. And I see to it, that kids will have this in mind "Learning is Fun." We can learn even at play. I don't know if you'll agree with me but that's what I believe in. The stage of being a child will pass by swiftly, if you take it away from your child, you will see that they'll have psychological or even emotional problems later in their lives...

I have posted a slideshow of the pictures I had with my tutees this afternoon. You can view the pictures at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the things being said to this topic is all true because we all know that the very first way of learning for children is through fun and games..,and also we beleive to the saying that all work and no play makes john a dull boy..,:)