Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Observations in terms of Performance

We all know that the root word of STUDENT is the word STUDY. Literally, a student is the one who studies, right? I have been teaching for more than six years already. The first three years experience I had was with upper-class students. I say so because they are sons and daughters of directors, lawyers, surgeons/doctors, big-time businessmen and so on. It is totally wrong to compare them with the set of students I have at present. Precisely, there is no basis of comparison. There is a great disparity between the two groups of my students.

The observations I am referring to is the performance shown by PUBLIC SECONDARY STUDENTS then and now.

The memories I had in my high school years are still vivid in my memory.
When our teacher tells us before that there is an upcoming test, we group together (our own initiative) and we take turns in asking questions as a form of review. Presently, majority of the students have the "don't care attitude". It's like only the teachers are burning their midnight candles in preparing the tests, while the students are acting as "happy-go-lucky" persons.
Projects are considered by us as significant part of our grade. We do the projects and/or assigned tasks with zeal and dedication. It is like a mortal sin if we are not able to submit on time. Today, most students have learned how to say with a smile on their face "I have no project ma'am."
Grades matter so much for us. Getting 80 as a grade is disheartening already. Now, 75 grade causes a smile still on the faces of the students.
When our teachers, require us to memorize poems, we do it by heart. Presently, students are proud to stand, say the title of the poemonly , then he/she goes back to his/her seat.
Those who have an access to the computer are only the elite, internet was not part of our vocabulary. Right now, even those who can eat once a day knows what internet is. The reasons why some students get low scores, why some fail to pass projects, why they are not able to come to school on time? The answer is "they are addicted to internet games."


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

on number 1; it's not we don't care for the hardships of the teacher in making the test but it's just boring to do some reviews but we had the attitude to relax first and study later...

on number 2; it's not that we don't want to do this projects and of course it is also a pride to us when we pass the projects on time, but you know ms. may we students but i am not speaking as a whole, have this attitude "buzzer beater" meaning if we could make the project in a day so be it...

on number 3; you know we boys have this mentality of comparing grades with each other. so grades to us also matters, that's why if we can get higher grades by "crooked" then so be it also...

on number 4; we also love to memorize poems and stand in front of the class, with well pronounced words and fluent in english, i feel like genius, but what can i do when even i cannot memorize a two or three stanzas of the poem...

on number 5; of course, we boys have the edge when it comes to computer illiteracy but not as a whole only on games but one thing always lead to another especially when there is someone on the computer cafe who attend to me and to others, but playing online games not mean that we are dumb in exams base on my experience it is only balancing of time meaning there's a time for game and a time for study...