Saturday, October 31, 2009

"Patience is a Virtue"

The title I used is a familiar quote. Consequently, majority does not have such virtue. With the advent of instant noodles, instant food, instant gadgets, patience is oftentimes in dictionaries only.

Even in our relationships - friendship and special friendship for that matter, it is in a fast pace. "Special friendship" so to speak is not really that special as you look back at it. It is either you are the one dumped or you've dumped a lover. Where is the so-called "special" aspect there?

There are times that I'm really impatient. I would like to have what I want in a particular time but that is not what happens. My father always reminds me to have patience.

My personal experience taught me much that if I just know how to wait, I'll be able to get what I actually desire. For instance, it has been a while that I prayed for a man who will truly love me. God granted that dream after more than a decade of prayer. So you see, if ever you feel like what you want is not what you get, just wait. In God's time it will really be given to you. "Patience is a Virtue."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Maintaining Good Relations

I was trying to answer a question given by my professor as part of the Final Examination in the subject Organization and Administration of Philippine Schools. I typed this at google: maintaining good relations. This is what I like best as an answer. I got this from this site:
To the author of this thank you so much. I do agree with the ideas you have presented here:
Here are some elements that trouble people in all types of relationships, from friendships to family ties to romantic unions, work. I hope they help you to develop a better partnership in your relationship.

1. Honesty - Can both of you be truthful? Can you be yourselves? A good relationship cannot be built on lies. Honesty includes being honest with yourself. For example, are you being you or just putting up a front to make someone else like you? If you can't be honest with yourself, you can't be honest with the other person in the relationship.

2. Support - Do you support and praise each other? Do you stick by each other when disappointments arise? Remember, support doesn't necessarily mean you have to agree all the time. In fact, true support means letting each other know how you honestly feel, as long as your honesty doesn't cause the other person unnecessary pain.

3. Understanding - Do you show that you are listening and trying to understand each other's feelings? It's important to never dismiss someone's feelings as silly or unimportant.

4. Trust - Relationships do not work when either person cannot be trusted -- when he or she breaks promises or doesn't stick to an agreement.

5. Punctuality - Showing up on time may seem like a trivial matter, but it's not. The best way to annoy others, and make them question whether respect them and care about their feelings, is to keep them waiting.

6. Respect - Beyond respect for each other, it's important that you each respect the important people in each other's lives. That means behaving politely when you go to your in-laws' for dinner, even if you would rather be bitten by a rattlesnake than endure the painfully dull dinner conversation and your mother-in-law's inedible cooking. It also means keeping your gripes to yourself when dinner is over and you're back at home.

7. Freedom - Space and time alone are important in any relationships. You should be able to accept that the other person has his or her own life and needs to spend time without you. Possessiveness is unnecessary in a healthy relationship.

8. Faithfulness - We all blow it now and then. It's important to be able to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and, more importantly, to forgive and forget their mistakes.

9. Fun - While not an element of good manners, having fun together is another key to a good, long-lasting relationship. Partners should be able to let go and be silly together. Shared laughter is a sign of an easy relationship.

10. And Lastly Good Luck.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Celebrity Look-alikes

These are my celebrity look-alikes according to The first one was actually made almost a year ago while the second one is created today. Try to spot the similarities and differences in terms of results.

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Family history - Family website

Friday, October 16, 2009

"To See is to Believe"

The title is a very popular adage, right? There are also times when I say "to see is to believe" but of course in most cases I really believe that there are those which we do not see but these actually exist.

When something strange or unbelievable is said, however, we really could say that "to see is to believe." Consequently, I never thought that kids have their own views about the said quotation.

The other week, two of my pupils (they are having tutorial classes with me) were having a debate:
One said "You should not believe immediately on what others say. You have to see first before you will believe."
The other one retorted "While it is true that to see is to believe, you have to remember that there are those that exist but are not seen by our naked eyes. The air alone that we breath is something unseen. Another is, there are times that you are not there when an event happens. thus you are just told about it. For example, daddy came from Ormoc. He has brought cake for us. That cake is for us. Eventually, when dad arrived you were asleep. He waited for an hour but still you were asleep so he just handed the cake to me and he left for another trip. So, when you woke up you saw the cake. Would you not believe me that dad was the one who brought it because you have not personally seen that he handed the cake to me?"

I just cannot forget how the kid explained it since she is still Grade two but she has really brilliant ideas already.