Friday, October 16, 2009

"To See is to Believe"

The title is a very popular adage, right? There are also times when I say "to see is to believe" but of course in most cases I really believe that there are those which we do not see but these actually exist.

When something strange or unbelievable is said, however, we really could say that "to see is to believe." Consequently, I never thought that kids have their own views about the said quotation.

The other week, two of my pupils (they are having tutorial classes with me) were having a debate:
One said "You should not believe immediately on what others say. You have to see first before you will believe."
The other one retorted "While it is true that to see is to believe, you have to remember that there are those that exist but are not seen by our naked eyes. The air alone that we breath is something unseen. Another is, there are times that you are not there when an event happens. thus you are just told about it. For example, daddy came from Ormoc. He has brought cake for us. That cake is for us. Eventually, when dad arrived you were asleep. He waited for an hour but still you were asleep so he just handed the cake to me and he left for another trip. So, when you woke up you saw the cake. Would you not believe me that dad was the one who brought it because you have not personally seen that he handed the cake to me?"

I just cannot forget how the kid explained it since she is still Grade two but she has really brilliant ideas already.


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...
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Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

I salute to the kid who firmly believes that we musn't stick to the saying, "to see is to believe". At her very young age she already knew how to use logic to defend in whatever she believes. Hope that someday she'll be more knowledgable of great philosophies in life that is interwoven into the tapestry of life. . .

John Robert Valenzona said...

Sometimes in life we can't just focus on handling that kind of beliefs.Because we're so busy,In everyday life almost all our works we've seen by us.But I really believe in this,because I don't seemed even believe on those people telling something .That I don't see or they don't have there evidences.I salute to the kid too because he/she has a critical mind to realize what he/she thinking at her/his very young age.

Anonymous said...

Pleasant greetings to you ma’am!

As we have read this article, I cannot imagine how far your tutorial students are. They have their own ideas and within this idea we have learned lot of things. They are very right that there are some things that cannot be seen but we feel.

In personal lives ma’am we also experienced that one that even though we don’t see those things but as long as it is right, we must believe!

We are eagerly to know your students so that we can compare ours to them and to learn more what they have learned from you. They are so brilliant in terms of valuing things and in terms also of English.

-Mary Dhallei Delda
-Divina Baring
-Charina Baring
from IV-Humility