Saturday, October 31, 2009

"Patience is a Virtue"

The title I used is a familiar quote. Consequently, majority does not have such virtue. With the advent of instant noodles, instant food, instant gadgets, patience is oftentimes in dictionaries only.

Even in our relationships - friendship and special friendship for that matter, it is in a fast pace. "Special friendship" so to speak is not really that special as you look back at it. It is either you are the one dumped or you've dumped a lover. Where is the so-called "special" aspect there?

There are times that I'm really impatient. I would like to have what I want in a particular time but that is not what happens. My father always reminds me to have patience.

My personal experience taught me much that if I just know how to wait, I'll be able to get what I actually desire. For instance, it has been a while that I prayed for a man who will truly love me. God granted that dream after more than a decade of prayer. So you see, if ever you feel like what you want is not what you get, just wait. In God's time it will really be given to you. "Patience is a Virtue."

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