Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Don't Put Me in a Box

The words that I'd like to share with you are perfectly described in the following sentences. Jay Kelly on May 3, 2007 wrote in his blog and I quote "When I talk about being put in a box, I’m actually talking about being categorized, being told what I am and what I am not, being told what I can and cannot do. I know that we all do this in some form or another to make sense of our world (I’m this kind of person, you’re that kind of person, therefore we are or are not compatible…), but I have a distaste for the practice." In simple terms, DO NOT JUDGE ME FOR I AM PRETTY SURE YOU WOULD NOT LIKE IT WHEN I DO THE SAME TO YOU. Precisely, we are not judges and even those who are judges would recommend to have trial to any suspect/s before giving conclusions. More importantly, DO NOT MAKE ANY JUDGMENTS WITHOUT HAVING EVIDENCES AND/OR VERIFICATIONS.

It is totally disheartening to be judged for something that you did not actually do. Where is the room for "benefit of the doubt" when you automatically judge me even without evidences. I'm not angry with the person who did this to me. I just PITY that person and also those every single person whom she told and has believed right then and there.

Aside from being disheartened though, I still see the brighter side of it. There are lessons I've learned because of this experience:

1. No matter what position you are holding or what economic status you have, it is not a guarantee that you can give a sound judgment.

2. Though you have been good to others, there are those who would only look for something so they can pull you down.

3. True friends stand by you and with you. When there is an opportunity to doubt, they verify. They talk with you and not that they stab you behind your back.

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