Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reflection on our Electricity Dependence

We are dependent on electricity.

We are electricity dependent because of myriad reasons. Electricity is used to light homes, power appliances - computers, stoves, washers, dryers, refrigerators, dispensers, and the like. It has made modern living very possible and life has become so convenient. This dependence is really a reality.

Can you imagine life without electricity then? But for two weeks now, brownout has been frequent. So it is not a question of imagination therefore, the question is: How do we feel whenever there is brownout especially if it lasts for more than an hour?

Horrible, isn't it? Brownouts make us feel like we are thrown back to eighteen hundreds again. Whenever there is a recurrence of brownout, it's like life is inconvenient...

In my own experience, I really hate it when there is brownout. My routine includes checking the internet, turning on the water dispenser, and reading books. When there is no electricity, I would not be able to check the internet and turn on the water dispenser. I cannot read books well too because candle light, flash light or emergency lamp does not give me the same kind of light that I'm used to.

However, after two weeks of experiencing recurrent brownout, it helps me realize that there is still life with or without electricity. Brownouts has led me to have a communion with myself and my parents. I have less time for self-reflection when there is electricity and less time also to talk with my parents.

Brownouts bring something positive too, right?


Inday May said...

Samuel Louise Cuta:
So true....It brings about a realization that life is worth spent when we are relieved from distractions brought about by electricity-generated gadgets, which are considered vital during these modern times. however it is also because of convenience that we take for granted the simple joys of life and that we loose the vital connection between ourselves and nature. think of how our grandparents live their lives in the yesteryears, where life is less complicated and absence of electricity is a minor concern, and yet every moment is cherished and remembered with obvious smiles in their faces. Think of the memories that we can make when we are in tune with life, our inner self and the people around us. we might have the same smiles in our faces when the only thing left to do is to sit in our rocking chairs as we reminisce a treasure trove of lifelong memories.See More
February 12 at 7:30pm · Like

Inday May said...

May Reah Pasayloon: Wow! What a substantial comment. My hat's off to you Samboy :-)
February 12 at 7:57pm · Like

Inday May said...
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