Saturday, May 21, 2016

6th Wedding Anniversary Poem for my Husband

Written on May 21, 2016 at 11:48pm to May 22, 2016 at 12:16am

Since I have known you
You professed love that is true
I just gave you a smile
& convincing me took a while.

I used to believe
that fairy tales are unreal
'Cause a happy-ever-after
& true love are what they tell.

You have seen the best
and the worst of me
Yet you accepted
and you just let me be.

I always treasure
your love beyond measure.
Thank you for the love
You're truly a gift from above.

Thank you for everything
Words are not enough
I can't express what I feel
in terms of speaking and writing.

Beyond my ability to write
and my gift to speak
Is a truth you must know.
I love you, I'll always do.

The best day of my life
is every day as your wife,
as a mom to our children
& as your friend & lover.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unspoken Love

Published in An Lantawan, the Official Student Publication of Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City, Philippines Vol IV No. 2 March 2002

He was staring blankly at the sea. He felt downcast. He seemed oblivious to the sound of nature - the rushing of the waters, the blowing of the wind and the chirping of the birds. His mind was glued to the memory of the girl he has loved for almost fifteen years now... Mary Rose Pabroquez.

"Oh Mary, if you only knew..." he whispered to himself.

The two little birds on the twig of the talisay tree caught his attention. He felt envious because the birds looked so love struck, cheerfully chirping while weaving their nest.

Mary was his high school classmate. He remembered that they were always teased especially by their English Teacher.

"Class, there was once a bee who was always observed to be eyeing a beautiful flower... anyway, a bee can be used to stand for a boy like Christian and the flower can represent a young girl like Mary," he remembered Mr. Perez saying.

A smile was painted on his face while recalling the memory.

"See, you two are a perfect combination. You both were even the first placers of the CSAT Examination," their guidance counselor added.

"Those were the days," he uttered to himself. He was always hesitant then of going near her. He was always intimidated. Mary is a daughter of both teachers while he was a son of a housekeeper.

His best friend, Alex would always badger him, asking, "Are you not going to court her? You know, you can never find a girl like her. She is intelligent, kind and lovable..."

His answer will only be a private smile. Deep inside his heart, a promise is made. "Someday, I'm going to unfold the feelings I have for you Mary. Someday...somehow!"

The time has come for them to part ways. He was miles away from her. There was no communication between them. He learned that Mary studied at LNU and took up BEED, finishing her course with honors.

During Mary's graduation, a close friend greeted her and said, "Congratulations! You're such an achiever but... you have no one special to share your achievements with. That's too bad!"

"It doesn't bother me so much. You know the kind of vocation that I would like to embrace. I have also been waiting for Christian but he's too far," she answered while looking at nowhere.

"You are indeed intelligent but you are poor when it comes to love life!" Leah added. "Why waste your time for that guy? Why not choose among your many suitors?"

"I am still thankful to him. He taught me a lot. I loved him although I've come to realize that he will never be the first love of my life..." She pointed to the skies. "My first love is there."

Christian knew all these and Mary's whereabouts through his best friend Alex who was also studying at LNU.

Three years after Mary's graduation, he lost track of her. This time, he was already a full pledged chemical engineer. He has a high-paying job. With these, he built his dream house.

"This house will be our home Mary. This will be my wedding gift for you," he whispered to himself in soliloquy.

Now, he has finally made up his mind. The time for him to open up the contents of his heart had come. He will visit Mary in their house. He dressed up and stare at the mirror a million times before going.

His heart was beating so fast, For fifteen years, he had kept this love to himself. Now, he made a decision. He was so tensed, he barely noticed that he already arrived at the Pabroquez residence. He parked his car near the gate. He walked slowly and excitedly pressed the doorbell.

The main door opened. He felt a sudden relief when he saw that it was not Mary. It was her sister - Kristine.

"Hi kuya, get inside. What can I do for you?"
"Thank you. Is your ate around?"
Kristine just gazed at him.
"Ahm, is she in Tacloban or what? When is she coming back?" he nervously inquired.
Kristine was about to answer when the door of their living room opened. Clarianne was smiling while carrying a tray with slice of cake and a glass of juice. Clarianne is Mary's look alike.
"Kuya, take your snack first. Just feel at home, anyway my parents are not here. They went with Ate Mary," narrated Clarianne.
"Clarianne..." Her ate Kristine attempted to interrupt but it was too late.
"Didn't you know Kuya that Ate Mary finally decided to enter the convent? Just this morning, there were two nuns from DSP who came here. Papa and Mama accompanied her to San Jose Airport. By this time, maybe she is already in Pasay. That's where you can find the DSP's formation center," Clarianne went on.

He felt like his eardrum had exploded. He tried to stop himself from bursting into tears. He was unaware that he was finally able to say something to Mary's sisters.

"I will not be staying for long girls. I was too late... I have to say goodbye. By the way, here is a chocolate for you and kindly place these roses in your grotto."


Published in An Lantawan, The Official Student Publication of Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City, Philippines Vol. IV No. 2 March 2002

Before we just ignore the time that passed by We just smile, sometimes we quarrel and cry But that was just a funny memory And it is nice to remember, day by day.

I know we are going to part Even if our minds and hearts are hurt I wish I could turn back the past So we will not say goodbye at last.

They say, even if we will not be together Memories that we've shared will be forever Farewell is easy to whisper But for me, farewell is hard to utter.

But I know we could never stop the time Wishing that our journey will be fine Wishing we could reach our destiny Wishing you will not learn to forget me.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Valedictory Address (March 2016)

This was written for MJ on March 26, 2016.

To our honored guest, to our principal ________________________, to our teachers, to our parents, to my fellow graduates, friends, ladies and gentlemen good morning.

Eleanor Roosevelt said and I quote “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Six years ago, my dream to finish elementary started. Every year after that, this dream was nurtured. I believed that one day I will be able to wear a white toga and a white cap paired with black shoes. The fulfillment of that dream is today. This is it - Elementary Graduation Ceremonies.

Looking back, I used to imagine how it feels when this day happens. I imagine how happy I would be but today I experience mixed feelings. Of course, I am very happy but at the same time sad. Happy because one of my dreams is fulfilled. Sad because when I continue my journey that means my classmates and I will not be together. Not all of us will be together in the same classroom. I will not be in Catmon Elementary School anymore. I will have different set of teachers.

Today, I am also thankful. Thank you, Lord for this day. Thank you for the gift of life and intelligence. Today is made possible because of your divine guidance.

Thank you also to my parents. All of my medals and certificates are for you. Without your love and support, I will not be where I am today.

Thank you, my dear teachers. You have molded me into a better person. When I first stepped in our campus, I felt awkward because of the change of environment. As a transferee from a private school I wasn’t used to walking on muddy pathways. Plus, I wasn’t used to using the bolo for gardening. Now, I believe that things really happen for a reason. I appreciate life better because of my experiences here. Muddy pathways and gardening opened my eyes to reality that not all our wishes happen with just a click of a finger.

Thank you, my dear teachers and to my alma mater for teaching us the value of simplicity, perseverance and determination. Thank you also for believing in me. The contests – singing, quiz bee, SPG Mayor and spelling bee which you have asked me to join made taught me to believe in myself.

Thank you my dear classmates and friends. You have made my stay in our school worthwhile. I would like to make special mention to Jonamie, Cyrene and Cyrel. Thank you for the friendship.

Our Graduation Theme says Kabataang Mula sa K to 12, Tagapagdala ng Kaunlaran sa Bansang Pilipinas. Yes, we are our country’s hope. Let us continue our journey in order to reach our dream of finishing a degree so that we will be able to contribute to the development of our beloved nation. In the meantime, let us show our love by taking care of our environment, following rules and regulation, and doing good at school. Let us protect the trust given to us by our elders.

Fellow graduates, the medals, certificates, our grades and diploma are our gifts to our parents and to our teachers but all of these are just icing on a cake. The real gift we can give to them are what we are and what we will become. The icing on a cake plays a vital role to capture the interest of the onlooker but the cake itself is what addresses the persons desire to eat. Let us be persons of substance. Today, we are a successful yield of youth with veracity. May the education we acquired from our alma mater be our foundation of wisdom, knowledge, skills, proper attitude and discipline. May it be that whatever we gain will be for our own good, for the good of others and most especially for God’s glory.

Valedictory Address (March 2015)

This was written for Angel on March 24, 2015 at 6:15a.m.-7:14 a.m.

March 29, 2015. This is the day that the Lord has made! This is a special day because we experience mixed feelings of reminiscing the past, cherishing the present, and looking forward to take the next stage of our academic life. This is also the day when we give due recognition to our parents, teachers and friends.

First, I would like to thank our God Almighty for the gift of life and intelligence. Today will not be possible without His Divine guidance.

Second, thank you Papa Grin and Mama Bebilou. All these medals and certificates are for you. Without your love, support and encouragement, I would not be where I am now today.

To all my teachers, thank you. Your efforts in teaching us will never be forgotten. We started as larva when we enrolled in this school and you have transformed us into butterflies. The process of metamorphosis is not easy because it required rigorous work and sleepless nights. Thank you for letting me join different competitions in school and even up to the regional level. Joining Miss Intrams, MTAP, Science Quiz Bee, Da Math, Oratorical & Journalism contests have brought me to different places like Calubian, Leyte, Kananga, Albuera, Bato and Sogod. Thank you my dear teachers foo all those opportunities. Coupled with them are the memories deposited in our memory banks.

To all my classmates and friends, thank you. I would like to make special mention to JAMPCPJ - Judail, yours truly, Maryflor (even when you are in Cebu already), Chloe, Princess and Joecil. Thank you for the friendship and thank you for being at my side always. And to the rest of my classmates and friends, thank you for making my six years stay at Tabango Central School a meaningful one.

Steve Jobs said "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future..."

Batch 2015, let us connect the dots from the past to the present and up to the future by continuing our studies. We all know that education is education is the passport of a better tomorrow. As the theme for this year states "Saktong Buhay: Sa De-Kalidad na edukasyon pinanday." If we want quality life, then let us get quality education.

GMA's StarStruck TV Program's theme says dream, believe, survive. Let us dream big. Let us believe in ourselves. Let's find ways to survive.

Batch 2015, let us take the challenge to be the best persons we can be. God bless us in our journey.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Causerie with Ernani

Causerie with Ernani By: May Reah Pasayloon-Carel

Excellent. Responsible. Natural. Abreast. Noble. Inspiring.

These are some words that may be attributed to this man. His name is based on the play Hernani by Victor Hugo. Just like in a play where one is given time to show on stage, he plays a protagonist in his own life story. He knows that every chapter counts. How he portrays his role spells the difference. Moreover, he also knows the value of time. Unlike in movies, a play does not have ‘take twos.’ Thus, when the spotlight is switched on, he does the best action he could ever do.

Not all persons use their time wisely but at an early age, he spent his time doing profitable work to make more money. He did art work from Grade 5 to 2nd year college. He worked as a tricycle driver when he was in 1st and 2nd year high school and as a factory worker when he was in 3rd year high school. He was asked to design the bulletin boards of his teacher and out of the excess art materials, he made personalized bookmarks. He charged one peso per letter so the longer the name is the bigger is his income. He did all those because since then he is self-driven. He unveiled that he wanted to buy things without asking money from his parents.

He also spends his time investing in others to build better relationships and creating high-quality memories. He sings love songs to his wife, lullabies to his children, and godly hymns for God. As a teacher, he serves as an innovative teacher who advocates technology integration in education. No wonder, he was able to climb the pedestal because he knows how to use his time profitably. He does not use time merely for his own sake, he uses it for the good of his family, his students, the community and for God’s glory.

This man is blessed with a golden voice, a golden heart, and a golden mind. He is one of the ten 2015 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Teacher of the Philippines. He is Ernani S. Fernandez.
Reah Carel: What motivated you to be a teacher?
Ernani Fernandez: I am inspired by my teachers to be one of them. I have seen how my teachers at Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School in Cainta, Rizal applied the best strategies in teaching.

RC: What is your teaching philosophy? EF: My teaching philosophy is just the same with other teachers and that is to give quality education to my students. I am a product of a public school system and I’ve never been enrolled in a private school from elementary to college. But I am still very proud to be a product of public schools and a state university.

RC: How would you like to be remembered as a teacher? EF: I want to be remembered as the Innovative Teacher of Palo National High School because I am an advocate of technology integration in education.

RC: What was the greatest problem you faced as a teacher? EF: The greatest problem I encountered is the teachers who don’t like change. Even if you give them the facility materials and all the ideas for innovation they will still go back and look for possible problems instead of looking for solutions.

RC: What is the meaning of the Metrobank Outstanding Teacher Award for you? EF: This award gives me hope to my family, serves as an inspiration to my fellow teachers, and offers an opportunity to the community.

RC: There are teachers who also deserve recognition. What is your message for them? EF: The most important recognition is from out Almighty which is the blessings He always gives us. If you really have the passion in education, the qualities of being an outstanding teacher will come out. You also try to join the search. Be yourself. Be natural. Let God be the center of all your plans.