Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lessons Learned Today

Ate Jojilyn and I had an appointment with our Mayor today at 10 a.m. We conducted an interview about his mother. The staff of Tabango is tasked to make something for her birthday.

There were a lot of facts I have learned about Mayor's family.

However, over and above the details of their family, the one I considered the best part was our conversation about anything... We had a sort of sharing of ideas and of our lives. Varied as it may be but there are commonalities.

There were points that I considered lessons I learned both from Ate Jojilyn and from Mayor.

I admire Ate Jojilyn's courage for all that she had been through. I consider her as one of the bravest woman I know. She is an epitome of someone who fell along the way but she got up and learned from whatever mistakes she had before.

From among the ideas shared by Mayor, I could not forget the four needs of a human being as he quoted from an author. These are:
- to live
- to love
- to learn
- to leave a legacy

These four is a heirarchy. Living is the basic goal and the highest is to leave a legacy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Regional Teachers' Day

I was one of those invited to attend the Regional Teachers' Day yesterday at the DepEd Regional Office Gym.

It was also the day set for awarding of outstanding teachers and school heads. One of the Leyte Division Supervisor said to me, you were invited because soon you will also be an outstanding teacher.

There were renowned speakers who discussed different topics but the one who has touched me most was the first speaker. It was the story of the ant which has somehow enlightened my mind.

My mind is clouded with so many negative ideas at present. There are so many things that I wanted to do for my students and for the school in general but various factors overshadow my heart and mind... (So sorry, can't divulge these factors here)
"You are working not for anybody in this world. If no one appreciates you, take note Someone up there sees your good deeds," Ma'am Cheche said.

It was like a hammer blow on my head. She is right. Why am I discouraged when all that I do is for no one else but to God?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Teachers' Day and Sportsfest

Today is our Teachers' Day, Sporstfest, and Christmas Party at San Isidro, Leyte.

I love this day! Why? I had the chance to play my favorite sport - volleyball. It was a long time that I played volleyball. I was quite surprised that I still know how to play it (hehehehe). I had more than 15 as a score and that was straight service (I might just be lucky though).

I still reminisce the times that I was part of the Leyte Normal University Beach Volleyball team. There were three of us who were main players. It was the most difficult kind of volleyball I experienced.

How I wish there will still be other chances for me to play volleyball. It would not be much of becoming better in terms of how to play the game. I wish to have volleyball games for fun and exercise. Hope my wish will be granted.

The other two pictures (with my coteachers) were taken inside San Isidro Gym.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lukewarm Faith

Reading somebody else's blog about life's pain has opened my eyes that other persons have experienced much pain than what I have been through. I felt ashamed why for quite a while that I distanced myself from God because of "unanswered prayers."

You might not believe it but I have had lukewarm faith for almost a year. Why? It is because I always have believed in the saying "Ask and you will receive; Seek and you shall find..."

There were two requests (I consider them major requests then) I asked which were not given. Forgive me, I cannot just unveil them here. Though I uttered positive words when other persons ask me about them, deep inside of me my heart was shattered.

I wallowed in pain, inferiority, and less sense of self-worth.

You know what my realizations are? I'd like to state them in question form:

"How dare me question God of not giving me answers to those requests when what He had given me are far better than what I have asked for?"

"Why was I so blind of seeing God's graces poured on me?"

I felt ashamed of what I did. I was the one who stayed far from God, but you see? He still loves me greatly that He reaches me out... He even extends his hand to hold me in His heart...

Religious Myspace Comments

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sown Seeds

“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” - Robert Louis Stevenson

I firmly agree to the above-mentioned quotation. Circumstances/events have led me to see its verity. Here are some situations:

Situation # 1
In the recently conducted Division Secondary Schools Press Conference (DSSPC), two of my students were able to win in the individual writing contests (English Category). Almera won 5th in Feature Writing and 6th in Editorial Writing, while Abegail ranked 5th in Sports Writing.
Winning in these categories was not made overnight. Imagine, there were 50 schools all over the Division of Leyte who joined. Only top seven were chosen as winners.
It took me months to train them. I know sometimes they might have felt very tired of writing and writing but I told them that gold needs much polishing before it would shine brilliantly.

Situation # 2
In one of my visits to Naval, Fr. Jun Amante invited me to have lunch at the convent of Naval. He even fetched me to the terminal. I really appreciated his gesture of kindness but deep inside of me I am really amazed for we seldom see each other but he has tried to show to me that we are close friends. When I sent him a text message expressing gratitude, he responded: Because your parents were so kind to me, you are now reaping the fruits of the seed they have implanted in me.

These are but two of representative situations which would prove that whatever seeds you sow, you will definitely reap their fruits in the future.

On the other hand, despite of kind seeds (good seeds at that)planted, there are people who find happiness in trying to uproot sprouting seeds. This happens most especially if the seed you planted looks like a promising young tree... Several situations also have opened my eyes to this reality. At any rate, if the seed you planted is on a fertile ground, there is 75% up possibility that it will still survive.

Let us not be tired of sowing good seeds.

Let us fill the world with the fruits of the seeds we have implanted.

Never mind the detractors for in life's story there are always antagonists or villain. So long as we are not the villains, we have to continue our pursuit of filling the world with good seeds...