Sunday, December 14, 2008

Teachers' Day and Sportsfest

Today is our Teachers' Day, Sporstfest, and Christmas Party at San Isidro, Leyte.

I love this day! Why? I had the chance to play my favorite sport - volleyball. It was a long time that I played volleyball. I was quite surprised that I still know how to play it (hehehehe). I had more than 15 as a score and that was straight service (I might just be lucky though).

I still reminisce the times that I was part of the Leyte Normal University Beach Volleyball team. There were three of us who were main players. It was the most difficult kind of volleyball I experienced.

How I wish there will still be other chances for me to play volleyball. It would not be much of becoming better in terms of how to play the game. I wish to have volleyball games for fun and exercise. Hope my wish will be granted.

The other two pictures (with my coteachers) were taken inside San Isidro Gym.

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