Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lessons Learned Today

Ate Jojilyn and I had an appointment with our Mayor today at 10 a.m. We conducted an interview about his mother. The staff of Tabango is tasked to make something for her birthday.

There were a lot of facts I have learned about Mayor's family.

However, over and above the details of their family, the one I considered the best part was our conversation about anything... We had a sort of sharing of ideas and of our lives. Varied as it may be but there are commonalities.

There were points that I considered lessons I learned both from Ate Jojilyn and from Mayor.

I admire Ate Jojilyn's courage for all that she had been through. I consider her as one of the bravest woman I know. She is an epitome of someone who fell along the way but she got up and learned from whatever mistakes she had before.

From among the ideas shared by Mayor, I could not forget the four needs of a human being as he quoted from an author. These are:
- to live
- to love
- to learn
- to leave a legacy

These four is a heirarchy. Living is the basic goal and the highest is to leave a legacy.

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