Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lukewarm Faith

Reading somebody else's blog about life's pain has opened my eyes that other persons have experienced much pain than what I have been through. I felt ashamed why for quite a while that I distanced myself from God because of "unanswered prayers."

You might not believe it but I have had lukewarm faith for almost a year. Why? It is because I always have believed in the saying "Ask and you will receive; Seek and you shall find..."

There were two requests (I consider them major requests then) I asked which were not given. Forgive me, I cannot just unveil them here. Though I uttered positive words when other persons ask me about them, deep inside of me my heart was shattered.

I wallowed in pain, inferiority, and less sense of self-worth.

You know what my realizations are? I'd like to state them in question form:

"How dare me question God of not giving me answers to those requests when what He had given me are far better than what I have asked for?"

"Why was I so blind of seeing God's graces poured on me?"

I felt ashamed of what I did. I was the one who stayed far from God, but you see? He still loves me greatly that He reaches me out... He even extends his hand to hold me in His heart...

Religious Myspace Comments

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