Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wow, i really like the video shown in this site.
Thanks to the author of the book.
I really have gained insights for me to have a chance to have a a Wealthy Soul.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cognizance of a Facile Mind

In French "Chacun a son gout" or in English "To each is its own..." or it could also be translated as "different strokes for different folks" is true.

I've been teaching for more almost seven years already, had been under different administrators - eight of them specifically. Individual differences really show no matter how high the position a person is holding. Every administrator has its own taste. Differing upbringings, culture, values, and experiences cause us to have different perspective when given a particular situation.

Mind you, for almost seven years I could say that no matter how high a position one is holding, still he or she has biasis. Surely, there are those who are fair enough but there are also those who just listen to one side of a particular issue without even verifying what really are the two sides of the coin. My personal experiences have taught me this harsh reality. And that no matter what you do, there are still those who interpret what you are doing negatively.

A simple illustration in my Psychology class way back in college is a dominant truth that people uphold. When given a clean sheet of paper with a small dot in a particular part, what people notice is the dot and not the clean part. Very sad to note this truth. Who is perfect? Nobody is. Nobody will be but we could help each other reach our goal or objective. Instead of acting like crabs, we could be ants. Why pull each other when it is better to help carry the load of another person?

Easy to say but difficult to do. When a person shines, we love to find ways to smash the person's heart. When we look up above and see a bright star, what most say is not "how beautiful the star is", what most people say is "that star will lose its light someday." How could we be so mean? How could the people around us be so unfair? How could we smile yet break persons' hearts?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Inspirational Quotes about life

"We have no choice of what color we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once we're here." - Mildred Taylor

"We live in deeds, not years: In thoughts not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heartthrobs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." - David Bailey

"We will often find compensation if we think more of what life has given us and less about what life has taken away." - William Barclay

Thursday, December 10, 2009


How would you feel if the one you love (whom you think does not love you), actually loves you too? But it was too late when you have learned it since he is already in somebody else's arms?

In my own point of view, I think the problem there is not love. The problem is that either of the two might have pretended that they do not have the "love" in their heart so it ended that way. Circumstances have tested the love they have for each other but the man might not have stood up for the love that he has.

Filipino culture dictates that it is really the man who has to make the first move, right? But there are also Filipinas who are becoming very liberal. In my case, I still prefer to uphold our culture. I always believe in LOVE. However, I do not force myself to someone whom I think does not give me the love that I deserve. Though I may have feelings for that man also, I still prefer to wait for him to do the first move. "Forced marriage" is not part of my vocabulary. If one has to marry me, it must be that he initiated the idea and not that he will marry me because of false or made-up reasons. After all, after the wedding or the marriage, what will bite me is reality. I may have the man as my husband on a piece of paper (contract) but I may never have his heart. As the saying goes "You may force the horse to go with you to a riverbank but you cannot force the horse to drink the water in the river."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

“I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. In my own limited experience I have found that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being. Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key is to develop inner peace.”

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Love-related quotes

Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.
~Marianne Williamson

Loving should be fun and self-improving,
not self-reducing and servile.

~ Molara Ogundipe-Leslie

Love is a canvas pattern furnished by Nature, and embroidered by imagination.
~Author Unknown

What greater thing is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories. ~George Eliot

For one human being to love another is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof; the work for which all other work is but preparation.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

"Patience is a Virtue"

The title I used is a familiar quote. Consequently, majority does not have such virtue. With the advent of instant noodles, instant food, instant gadgets, patience is oftentimes in dictionaries only.

Even in our relationships - friendship and special friendship for that matter, it is in a fast pace. "Special friendship" so to speak is not really that special as you look back at it. It is either you are the one dumped or you've dumped a lover. Where is the so-called "special" aspect there?

There are times that I'm really impatient. I would like to have what I want in a particular time but that is not what happens. My father always reminds me to have patience.

My personal experience taught me much that if I just know how to wait, I'll be able to get what I actually desire. For instance, it has been a while that I prayed for a man who will truly love me. God granted that dream after more than a decade of prayer. So you see, if ever you feel like what you want is not what you get, just wait. In God's time it will really be given to you. "Patience is a Virtue."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Maintaining Good Relations

I was trying to answer a question given by my professor as part of the Final Examination in the subject Organization and Administration of Philippine Schools. I typed this at google: maintaining good relations. This is what I like best as an answer. I got this from this site:
To the author of this thank you so much. I do agree with the ideas you have presented here:
Here are some elements that trouble people in all types of relationships, from friendships to family ties to romantic unions, work. I hope they help you to develop a better partnership in your relationship.

1. Honesty - Can both of you be truthful? Can you be yourselves? A good relationship cannot be built on lies. Honesty includes being honest with yourself. For example, are you being you or just putting up a front to make someone else like you? If you can't be honest with yourself, you can't be honest with the other person in the relationship.

2. Support - Do you support and praise each other? Do you stick by each other when disappointments arise? Remember, support doesn't necessarily mean you have to agree all the time. In fact, true support means letting each other know how you honestly feel, as long as your honesty doesn't cause the other person unnecessary pain.

3. Understanding - Do you show that you are listening and trying to understand each other's feelings? It's important to never dismiss someone's feelings as silly or unimportant.

4. Trust - Relationships do not work when either person cannot be trusted -- when he or she breaks promises or doesn't stick to an agreement.

5. Punctuality - Showing up on time may seem like a trivial matter, but it's not. The best way to annoy others, and make them question whether respect them and care about their feelings, is to keep them waiting.

6. Respect - Beyond respect for each other, it's important that you each respect the important people in each other's lives. That means behaving politely when you go to your in-laws' for dinner, even if you would rather be bitten by a rattlesnake than endure the painfully dull dinner conversation and your mother-in-law's inedible cooking. It also means keeping your gripes to yourself when dinner is over and you're back at home.

7. Freedom - Space and time alone are important in any relationships. You should be able to accept that the other person has his or her own life and needs to spend time without you. Possessiveness is unnecessary in a healthy relationship.

8. Faithfulness - We all blow it now and then. It's important to be able to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and, more importantly, to forgive and forget their mistakes.

9. Fun - While not an element of good manners, having fun together is another key to a good, long-lasting relationship. Partners should be able to let go and be silly together. Shared laughter is a sign of an easy relationship.

10. And Lastly Good Luck.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Celebrity Look-alikes

These are my celebrity look-alikes according to The first one was actually made almost a year ago while the second one is created today. Try to spot the similarities and differences in terms of results.

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Family history - Family website

Friday, October 16, 2009

"To See is to Believe"

The title is a very popular adage, right? There are also times when I say "to see is to believe" but of course in most cases I really believe that there are those which we do not see but these actually exist.

When something strange or unbelievable is said, however, we really could say that "to see is to believe." Consequently, I never thought that kids have their own views about the said quotation.

The other week, two of my pupils (they are having tutorial classes with me) were having a debate:
One said "You should not believe immediately on what others say. You have to see first before you will believe."
The other one retorted "While it is true that to see is to believe, you have to remember that there are those that exist but are not seen by our naked eyes. The air alone that we breath is something unseen. Another is, there are times that you are not there when an event happens. thus you are just told about it. For example, daddy came from Ormoc. He has brought cake for us. That cake is for us. Eventually, when dad arrived you were asleep. He waited for an hour but still you were asleep so he just handed the cake to me and he left for another trip. So, when you woke up you saw the cake. Would you not believe me that dad was the one who brought it because you have not personally seen that he handed the cake to me?"

I just cannot forget how the kid explained it since she is still Grade two but she has really brilliant ideas already.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What's in a name?

I like to see my name decorated like this, after all the name of the person is the sweetest word of all, right?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sports-Related Talk

by Miss May Reah C. Pasayloon

Susan Casey once said and I quote "Sports remain a great metaphor for life's more difficult lessons. It was through athletics that many of us first came to understand that fear can be tamed; that on a team the whole is more than the sum of its parts; and that the ability to be heroic lies, to a surprising degree, within."


Once in a while, we go out of the four walls of our classrooms to engage in sports. This is for us to unwind but if you come to think of it games and sports greatly symbolize our day to day life. We may not play basketball, volleyball, chess and the like every hour but the values that we practice once we participate in games and sports are there. As Donna de Varona puts it "The values learned on the playing field--how to set goals, endure, take criticism and risks, become team players, use our beliefs, stay healthy and deal with stress--prepare us for life."

Yes we have to be goal-oriented individuals. Otherwise, if we do not have goals we will not reach what we really aim. Next, we must have physical, mental, and emotional endurance. Once we play, we will be exhausted but if we are determined to reach our goal, we have to persevere. Then, we have to know how to take criticisms and risks. This is not easy to do. People have something to say for or against us no matter what we do and no matter what risks we take but if we want to win we have to accept that criticisms are part and parcel of the game and facing risks is the challenge that once we overcome them, these risks make us a better individual. Moreover, we have to know how to become team players. We are not an island and life is supposed to be shared in order for us to find its meaning . Plus, we have to use our beliefs. If we believe that what we do is good and if we are not stepping on others, then, we have to stand for what we believe. Finally, we have to stay healthy and we have to deal with stress. Being healthy and dealing well with stress lead us to have a long life. So you see, it is only once in a while that we have sports-related activities in school but the wisdom that these activities give us are enough for us to live our life to the fullest.

Because it is a reality that there will be winners and losers, you have to know that when you join each activity you are already a winner. Why? Because you opted to go out of your shells and try your best. You only become a real loser when you quit. As long as you play the game, and you play it right, whatever your ranking is – 1st, 2nd, 3rd , etc the wisdom that you gain out of those games are far more than what any trophies and medals could bring...

A pleasant day to all of you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Observations in terms of Performance

We all know that the root word of STUDENT is the word STUDY. Literally, a student is the one who studies, right? I have been teaching for more than six years already. The first three years experience I had was with upper-class students. I say so because they are sons and daughters of directors, lawyers, surgeons/doctors, big-time businessmen and so on. It is totally wrong to compare them with the set of students I have at present. Precisely, there is no basis of comparison. There is a great disparity between the two groups of my students.

The observations I am referring to is the performance shown by PUBLIC SECONDARY STUDENTS then and now.

The memories I had in my high school years are still vivid in my memory.
When our teacher tells us before that there is an upcoming test, we group together (our own initiative) and we take turns in asking questions as a form of review. Presently, majority of the students have the "don't care attitude". It's like only the teachers are burning their midnight candles in preparing the tests, while the students are acting as "happy-go-lucky" persons.
Projects are considered by us as significant part of our grade. We do the projects and/or assigned tasks with zeal and dedication. It is like a mortal sin if we are not able to submit on time. Today, most students have learned how to say with a smile on their face "I have no project ma'am."
Grades matter so much for us. Getting 80 as a grade is disheartening already. Now, 75 grade causes a smile still on the faces of the students.
When our teachers, require us to memorize poems, we do it by heart. Presently, students are proud to stand, say the title of the poemonly , then he/she goes back to his/her seat.
Those who have an access to the computer are only the elite, internet was not part of our vocabulary. Right now, even those who can eat once a day knows what internet is. The reasons why some students get low scores, why some fail to pass projects, why they are not able to come to school on time? The answer is "they are addicted to internet games."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Learning can be fun!

Being a child is a short span only for when we reach our teenage years we start to act like an adult. After teenage years is already adulthood. We cannot just act like a child and do childlike ways. Can you imagine what other people will say when you play jackstone, run around the garden, play "bahaybahayan", etcetera?

Lucky are those kids who are given time by their parents to explore and enjoy their childhood days. I'm having tutorial classes when I am not that busy. And I see to it, that kids will have this in mind "Learning is Fun." We can learn even at play. I don't know if you'll agree with me but that's what I believe in. The stage of being a child will pass by swiftly, if you take it away from your child, you will see that they'll have psychological or even emotional problems later in their lives...

I have posted a slideshow of the pictures I had with my tutees this afternoon. You can view the pictures at

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm back...

T'was quite a while that I have not posted anything... For those who have read my blog entries, thank you. For those who felt bad because I have not posted anything for a couple of months, I'm sorry. I've been really busy with so many preoccupations.

I'm open for discussions so if you wish you can ask questions related to teaching and I'll answer them the best that I could.

Hope to hear from you then.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Soulmate or Imposter

Source: California Psychics

Who hasn't had a great reading about a new love, or some other good fortune, and wondered if maybe the psychic's timing was a little off - more out of impatience than anything else. It's not uncommon that when waiting for something as wonderful, exciting and life-enhancing as true love to finally enter our lives, we can be so overly eager to meet "the one" that we can mistake an imposter for the real thing.

"It's hard to break a caller's bubble, when they think they've met the soulmate you predicted they'd soon find," tells Miss Krystal ext. 9192, "but in reality, they've ignored the important details about the reading. The person they've met, or even gotten deeply involved with… doesn't quite fit the picture you had conveyed to them, because they didn't pay attention to the details. You just have to hope that they will trust your guidance and not get seriously sidetracked along their path and miss their true destiny in the meantime," the Clairvoyant, Empath and Medium suggests.

Julianne (not her real name) a 33-year-old French transplant, first called Miss Krystal with the one key question that was keeping her life from being truly perfect, "Where is my love life going?"

Miss Krystal could see that Julianne was actively dating several men. "It looks like fun, but there's no substance…" her guides pointed out. She even suspected that the highly successful professional photographer was rotation dating (with a steady date on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights) to keep from getting involved with anyone seriously.

Julianne laughed in agreement. "I'd never consider getting serious with any of these guys. I've already married and divorced two New York actor-types."

"I have a prediction," Miss Krystal announced. "My guides say your soulmate is coming in...You will meet him in 2009!" The intuitive saw the "future" couple as being surprisingly similar in their look, background and even financial status. They would both be interested in a permanent relationship, Miss Krystal revealed, and their connection would be accepting and relaxed. "This person will be a best friend."

Months later, Julianne called Miss Krystal back, saying that the psychic had been right on and she had met her soulmate - a nice easygoing guy, with French grandparents. "We're engaged!" she announced happily.

"Wow! After two months - that's fast!" the psychic responded. She was sure that this man was not Julianne's soulmate. She didn't see a wedding between them, so she found that encouraging. "But, I'm not the Dr. Phil of psychics, I couldn't just upset her and say, Hey get real! This can't be him. But, I did tell her to take it slow and to wait a year before getting married. Then I reminded her that it was only 2008 and that my prediction had been for 2009."

Months later Julianne called again. She had given her fiancé a pre-nuptual agreement, because she had always understood that any man who could take care of himself would agree to her need for financial protection. Julianne was well known in photography circles and commanded a hefty day rate for her work. She had family money and owned property in France. "The pre-nuptual didn't stop either of my other marriages, but Ross went ballistic. I ended up just giving him back the ring. During his rage, I realized that he knew more about my finances than I had ever let on… and apparently he'd been on his best behavior for months - I had no idea he could be so abusive!"

"Thank you for suggesting that I take it slow and set a wedding date far in advance," Julianne stated with a deep sense of relief.

"Well, I did say 2009 would be the year you'd meet your soulmate," Miss Krystal reminded her client. "And I still see that. This guy was an imposter, but luckily he revealed his true colors," she added relieved that Julianne had listened to her suggestions. "Your true soulmate, will be much like you. I keep seeing two tall people holding hands. It didn't fit that you described your fiancé as being shorter than you are."

Weeks ago, Julianne called Miss Krystal again. She had gone home to France to see her family and met a man whose own relatives lived in a neighboring city. Thierry also had been living and working in Manhattan for years. The attraction was immediate. Both had attended the same art school at different times and he was as financially solvent, if not more so, she reported with great relish.

"I see how different things are when two people truly connect. I can't believe that I had to go home to meet the right guy. He lives in my neighborhood in New York…we were born just miles from each other on another continent, we both speak fluent French - and he's tall. It's so much fun! You're right on Miss Krystal. You nailed this one."

And this time, Miss Krystal agreed.

Have you found your soulmate? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Make Peace With Your Pain

Source: California Psychics

Every day of our lives we are bombarded with remedies for pain - physical pain, emotional pain, mental and spiritual pain - to make it disappear. But what if our pain is trying to tell us something important?

Perhaps you have a chronic headache that you medicate with pain relievers all the time. Even the pain reliever bottles tell you that if the symptoms persist you should see a doctor. But rather than get in the habit of shutting out pain in the first place, consider an alternative approach for every kind of pain - physical, mental emotional and spiritual.

Get acquainted
Familiarize yourself with the circumstances surrounding your discomfort. Get to know that headache, for example. Does it usually start in a particular area? When does it appear? Is it related to activities or foods you're eating? Does it start when you've spent an hour or so working under fluorescent lights? Or is it triggered by stress? Once you've gotten acquainted with the patterns and nature of your headache, you'll have some ideas about what to do next to address the cause, whether it's changing your light bulbs or seeing a doctor to learn about migraines. Use the same process with your emotional, mental and spiritual pain.

There's another problem with shutting down, blocking out and generally pretending your pain doesn't exist, especially if it's emotional pain. It doesn't actually go away! Picture your mind and your psyche as a big house, with lots of closets… most of which are full of accumulated, rotting junk. That's where you've hidden all the unresolved emotional pain since you were little and they told you to turn out the light, or stop sniveling, or grow up… and those closets are often so full that if you open the door the contents will come gushing out on top of you - old grudges, childhood terrors, betrayals and more.

Declutter emotional buildup
What's built up in those closets daily affects how you respond to the world and what you expect out of life. If you want to come to terms with your emotional pain, to free up the enormous amount of energy it takes to hold it at bay and afterward to enjoy life more, why not do some spring cleaning? Let out those ghosts in the closets, and then get acquainted with them, one by one. Get to know the source of your sadness, or pessimism, or commitment phobia, or fear of abandonment. Use meditation, journaling, or any of the countless self-help techniques available these days, and you are likely to learn some surprising things!

Perhaps you know you're in pain because you broke up with your lover. That's so obvious, you think, so what's to learn? That's a universally accepted reason for emotional pain. But there still may be something to learn. Ask yourself if you were happy in the relationship. Maybe you realize that you weren't, and had even been thinking of moving on. In that case, why the pain? Because you'll be embarrassed in front of your friends? Nah, you say, you've been wanting to dump them for ages. And then the light bulb goes on. A part of you believes that the breakup means you're unlovable, that you'll never find happiness in a relationship. Okay, now you've gotten to the core of it and arrived at the place where the real journey begins, where you can get to know your pain and follow its path to wisdom and healing.

Sort it out
When you're dealing with stuff from your past, it's particularly important to look at it from the viewpoint of who you are now. That alone can bring a tremendous shift! It's also important to recognize when you need help and another viewpoint, whether it be a counselor, a close friend or a self- help book dealing with your challenges.

But remember that this isn't about getting rid of pain. It's about letting the pain show you how to honor yourself and all your needs, about mining the wisdom hidden in the dark corners of your psyche, and clearing the rubble out of your path to a happier, and - as a side benefit - less painful, future.

So the next time pain shows up in your life, you can welcome it as a teacher and motivator rather than - well, just a pain!

Are you hurting? Get support from one of our gifted psychics. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Student Once Again

My first day of classes... That is today. I was quite excited to be a student once again. It was last week that my mother and I went to a school in Ormoc. I decided to transfer to another school for personal and financial reasons. I loved my previous school but I just have to transfer if I want to finish my Masteral studies the soonest possible time.

I really want to finish my Masteral studies because of a major decision I'd like to take next year. Sorry, I just can't discuss the details here (maybe some other time).

I've met many new friends today. Gaining friends is one of the light side of studying. It just feels good to be a student once more.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Playing Solitaire has Unexpected Life-Learning Lessons

Solitaire... To give you a glimpse as to what is it, here is a definition/description provided by Wikipedia:
"Solitaire, also called patience, often refers to single-player card games involving a layout of cards with a goal of sorting them in some manner. However it is possible to play the same games competitively (often a head to head race) and cooperatively. The games are generally referred to as "patience" in British English and "solitaire" in American English. The term solitaire is also used for single-player games of concentration and skill using a set layout of tiles, pegs or stones rather than cards. These games include Peg solitaire and Shanghai solitaire.These games typically involve dealing cards from a shuffled deck into a prescribed arrangement on a tabletop, from which the player attempts to reorder the deck by suit and rank through a series of moves transferring cards from one place to another under prescribed restrictions. Some games allow for the reshuffling of the deck(s), and/or the placement of cards into new or "empty" locations."

Why do peole play solitaire?
Each person has reasons for doing so but basically solitaire is played for entertainment but there are those who play it because they believe it answers a question or it tells you if your wish will be fulfilled. My reason for playing solitaire is more of the latter. A friend in College told me, if you play solitaire 3x and you were able to solve each game, YES is the answer to the question you posed.

Nothing is wrong when we believe in this, right? Anyway, just for fun I play solitaire sometimes. As I play, I felt disheartened for according the the statistics in my computer, I was only able to solve 41%. Oh? That's not even half or even 3/4. So, I've said to myself, there must be a solution to every game. the key perhaps is being extra careful in clicking or transferring a card from one place to another.

However, no matter how careful I am, there are really times that false hopes are ignited in my mind. Yes, false hopes! For many times I thought the game is about to be solved only to find out the computer says:
No more available moves.
What would you like to do?
Quit and count this game as part of your loss in the statistics.
Continue playing.
Undo the last move.
Try another game.
The end. I thought. I was not born to surrender. Hence, I often would choose the 4th option, that is, try another game.

Then, I was able to discover each game has available hints so I make use of them but then again oftentimes, the computer says NO MORE HINTS... Then, I'm back on my own trying to figure out how to solve the game.

What then are the lessons I'm talking about?
#1 Solitaire is only a game. It does not answer your question. Sometimes, there might be coincidences but the answer lies in your hand.

#2 When there are no moves available, you can always choose to play another game and hope that the next game will be solved.

#3 Do not rely on HINTS. Yes, many times I was able to solve games even if it already says no more hints.

#4 The value of sacrifice/patience. For example,almost all of your cards are already arranged according to each kind, but then there are still unopened cards you can actually choose to bring down the cards again. It may consume much time but if your goal is to solve then you need to do it. In life, we have goals. We'd like to reach goals but we don't want to step backwards in order to run fast.

#5 Don't get addicted to playing solitaire. There are many ways to make your time fruitful. Playing once in a while is fine but playing every minute is nonsensical.

#6 Not every game can be solved. Yes, same with life. The reality is that not all questions have answers.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lovable kids

I guess you agree with the title, right?

The first three photos are of Diana Marie. I am her tutor. She is ate Jojilyn's daughter.

The last two photos are of Shanise. She is Mrs. Sol Lumarda's (Schools Division Superintendent of Leyte Division) grand daughter.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thought to Ponder

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
- Anonymous

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quotes Related to Teaching

"A good teacher
smiles in troubles...
gathers strength from stress...
and grows bravely by reflection and prayers!

"Dear Teacher, I see that you're tired, sometimes bored, stressed and worrid. I tell you, do not drop our chalk box and put down your pen. Keep those lessons on track, the day is not that bad. Why worry about your students? After all, it's not your battle... It's mine. Workingis notonly done alone by you, rather YOU & ME. You just have to do your best and I'll take are of the rest.
Your Principal,
Jesus Christ"

"God made culinary arts nd HRM or riches...
then nurses and architects to brainy...
slightly rich, competitive, yet humble individuals were born...
God named them TEACHERS."

"I realized that being a TEACHERis incomparable.
As we care for our students,
we learn to cove our sorrow with a smile.
we learn how tostay vigorous despite all the tasks we endure.
we learn how to gie hope even thouh oursis unclearly seen.
We learn how to give strength even at times that we are weak.
Nobody would know what kin of life a teacher has.
Unless they become one."

"Name the 5 wealthiest people,7 Oscar Winners,10 American Presidents.
The point is, none of us remembers the headliners o yeserday, simply ecase he applause dies ad awards are forgtten.
Here's another quiz:
Name 3 teachers who taught you well, 3 friends who stood by you, 5 people who made you special.
Because those who make a difference in your life are not those with the most money, credentals, or awards.
They're th ones who truly care."

"Teachers' survival kit in life:
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS to remind yo that ou're not alone in this jouney, you'll always have a guide...
ERASER to remind you tht mistaks can be corrected...
LESSON PLAN to remind you of your objectives in life...
CLASS RECORD toremind you taht we can't be perfect in everyting...
BALLPEN to remind you to list your blessings everyday...
SEAT PLAN to remind you that we all have our own placs in God's plan...
OPENING and Closing prayer to remind you that God is the greatest teacher...

"Teaching may not be a lurative postion. It cannot guarantee financil security. It even means investing your personal time, energy, and resources. Sometimes, it means disappointments, heartaches and pains but touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children can give joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are the moments you teach for. These are themomens you live for..."

"When you save a person's life, they call you a HERO.
When you combine effort with caring, they call you an EXPERT.
When you share your compassion, they call you a FRIEND.
And when you do all these, they call you a TEACHER."

"Why is it good to make friends with a teacher?
It is because they have
a HEART tht never hardens,
a TEMPER that never rises,
a TOUCH that ever hurts, ad
a LOVE that never fails."

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Open Letter to the '09 Graduates of MRVNHS

(This letter was reproduced and was distributed to the '09 Graduates.)

March 31, 2009

Dear (Name of the Student),

My heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS on your Graduation Day! I believe, I can't fathom the happiness you feel right now for finally you will reap the fruits of your labor. You will now be declared as GRADUATE of Marcelino R. Veloso national High School.

You see, time really moves swiftly 'cause it was as if yesterday that you were a student of MRVNHS. Now, you will be leaving the portals of your Alma Mater.

You have left a mark in my heart for you have been under my teachings for almost three years. I know, your graduation is a thorn pulled from your heart for finally you will not be facing your tigress, lioness, crocodile (whatever name there is) teacher.

I could say we have had bittersweet memories, I'd like to thank you for being part of my teaching career. I knew all the while what you felt with all the requirements I gave you. Well, for all you know, I only wanted you to develop your full potential and be globally competitive individuals. Like gold or other brilliant stones, it does not shine as soon as miners have dug it. It has to undergo refinery for its beauty to come out. The process of digging itself is painful (if gold has a heart) for it means going out of its comfort zone. Much more is the process of refinery for it means undergoing heat and pressure.

Many times, I may have been misunderstood or there were even times you hated me. It does not matter now, what matters is what you have become and who you will be in the future (if only you will make use of my teachings).

On the other hand, you will now be facing another stage of your life. There are only few reminders I'd like you to bear in mind. Have a goal. Try to see who you want to be in the future. Then, be determined to reach that goal. Have courage for many times you might feel disappointed or frustrated. Bear in mind, life is not a bed of roses. Yes, there are roses but there are more thorns than petals. Of course, you have to pray. Whatever your plans are, lift them up to God. He answers prayers. I can attest to that.

God bless your dreams!

With love and prayer,
Ma'am Reah

You may reach me at:
e-mail addresses:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Common Culprits - Top 12 Allergens - Photo Album -

Common Culprits - Top 12 Allergens - Photo Album -

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Live Life With No Regrets

Source: California Psychics

How often have you thought, "I wish I knew then what I know now?" So many of us have those times when we sit around, gazing into the recesses of our souls, scrutinizing our past in an effort to better understand where we are now. More often than not, this journey of reflection illuminates opportunities lost, and people left behind.

When you look back over your life, the odds say there are going to be at least a few things that you would have done differently back in the day. Sure, we could all be millionaires if we had invested in Microsoft or Ebay. Some of us might happily be raising children, married to a loving partner, if we had accepted the date from the high-school geek who we secretly liked, instead of going to prom with the one who rated higher in the "cool" factor. Mom and Dad were right! Europe didn't disappear and without that scholarship - college never started, much less finished. How much did not getting that haircut impact the decision to hire someone else for the position you knew you were perfect for?

If only…
Most of us have a list of, "coulda, shoulda, woulda"… and we all know for certain from that list that our life would not be the same had we done things differently. What we don't know, is if we had made different decisions, exactly where we would be. Hindsight is always 20/20. Navigating through life is as much about looking forward as it is about looking back. The thing is, until time passes, you just don't know how things are going to unfold.

It's easy to look back and see where you may have made mistakes, where you may not have used the best judgment or considered all of the possible outcomes. After living through the consequences of your decisions, you have achieved something that can never be achieved any other way - experience. For good or ill, it is those choices and those experiences resulting from those choices that have shaped you and brought you to where you are now.

There's always tomorrow
Just because you can't go back and change the past doesn't mean that all opportunities are lost forever. In fact, it is quite the opposite. By accepting things as they are and understanding how they came to be, you are more likely to recognize or create even greater opportunity. And, chances are good, life has brought you to the place and circumstances in which you are supposed to be.

The choices you made, you made for a reason. Whether they seem right or wrong now really has no bearing, because they were apparently right for you at that moment in time, and the experiences that followed were necessary to your soul's development. You can beat yourself up and regret your path by indulging in "coulda, shoulda, woulda" fantasy or you can embrace your unmet desires and find a way to make them a reality.

There is more than one possible outcome for every decision we make. When we look back with regret, we tend to believe that our lives would be better if we had done things differently. It's possible, but it could also be that what we see as a better choice then, could have been a fatal mistake.

No regrets
The geek with the family may be a person you could never love, no matter how much they loved you. Not landing the job you thought was your perfect fit may have sent you down a path that may have caused you to excel much further in a slightly different career. Your European expedition changed the way you look at life - and the memories are something that will lift your spirits until you have one foot in the grave. You may not have your formal education now, but it is never too late. Colleges are everywhere, and now you know what your major really should be.

What you did or didn't do doesn't dictate what you can do or are capable of doing in the future, it only highlights how to recognize what will bring you fulfillment. So, forge ahead with anticipation! Some of your biggest mistakes are most likely your most valued blessings.

Are you stuck on something from your past? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Shouldn't Have Asked

"I wish I should not have asked." This was what I said after I talked with two students.

Wondering why?

My heart bled after I asked them.

Most of my students cannot pay contributions on time. One of them handed his payment for the school publication fee (long time overdue already) the other day. Afer I received the payment, I commented "it is still erly in the morning but you look exhausted already." He did not give any reply so I asked "From where are you? What is your means of transportation in coming to school?" It took a while before he responded. He said "My brother and I come to school by means of walking. We would start walking from 3 a.m. just to reach school at 7:30a.m. ma'am."

Another student always makes absences so when I saw him in the classroom, I called his attention. Outside of their room I asked him "why are you having absences? You are already fourth year, you should not be making absences otherwise you'll not pass your subjects." He stared at the ground before giving an answer. Then, he answered "Ma'am I really want to come to school everyday but I don't have fare in coming to school. Our house is quite far from here. My grandmother has cancer and I attend to her needs too."

You see? I said my heart bled after I asked them because these students are victims of circumstances. How could they be suffering at an early stage still? Then,what can I do to help them? I already have one student being sponsored. My budget won't be enough to help all needy students...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who are attracted to and why?

Source: California Psychics

We all have our own ideas about which zodiac sign we're most attracted to and we probably have a string of ex-lovers who are the same sign. The truth is that each sun sign has something uniquely sexy to offer. See which ones you're best suited to in this sexy astrological guide.

There's something undeniably appealing about a strong, courageous lover. Aries personifies the heroic image represented in everything from comic books to romantic movies. Not only are Aries bold leaders, they are exciting, confident adventurers. It's been said the Aries horns exist to offer protection when they dive head first into life. While the reality of such an impulsive nature may be hard to handle in a relationship, it's central to what makes Aries so charming - and good in bed. Aries are independent, but don't mistake that for detachment. For the right person, an Aries will definitely play the game - and in fact, the Ram may even prefer a challenge. The athletic, dominant nature of Aries makes them attractive in the most classic and carnal way.

Taureans are notoriously practical creatures who crave stability. For a partner whose own sign leaves life in chaos, the simple, peaceful nature of Taurus can be quite appealing. Next to Aries, Taurus might at first glance seem a bit boring. But nothing could be further from the truth! Bulls are deeply passionate about the pleasures of life, from music and clothing to food and art. They are moved by their senses - a very attractive balance to their otherwise practical nature. Though they are often conservative, they aren't prudes. Taureans are sexy because their sensuality crosses through every element in their lives - from the kitchen to the bedroom.

Where Taurus lovers offer calm, Gemini lovers offer the storm. The dual personas of Geminis make them some of the most intriguing - and charming - people on earth. Geminis are social butterflies who can flit from one conversation to the next without missing a beat. To some, the famous flirtatiousness of Geminis can come across as shallow, but in the end, their sharp wit and youthful energy make Geminis intoxicatingly fun to be with - and incredibly difficult to part from. The twins have an unending sense of adventure and imagination that can draw people to them in an almost magnetic way. Their sex appeal lies in a creative spirit and spark that is constantly changing - yet always attractive.

Just like a crab hiding itself under a shell for protection, Cancers are notorious for keeping their feelings to themselves. But buried beneath those protective layers, Cancers have unusually sensitive, nurturing spirits. Anyone looking for a comforting soul will be turned on by Cancer's fiercely loyal and protective attitude. They have a unique ability to show care, concern and patience, which makes them appealing in a way that even the most jaded person can't deny. The secret of Cancer's sex appeal is the way their sensitivity translates into sentimentality and romance. Despite their tough exteriors, Cancers possess emotional depths that make them incredibly attractive.

Leos are known as proud, strong characters - and exceptional lovers. They're always up for a good time - and ready to put on a show. Leos are famous for sweeping lovers off their feet with dramatically romantic gestures. But even sexier than the Leo sense of grandeur and boldness is their playful, loving nature - and desire to be a rock star in bed. At times, they can even be more like cuddly kittens than roaring lions. Leos can be remarkably affectionate, with warm, generous spirits that you can't help but be charmed by. The playful nature of Leo makes them especially good with kids. See a Leo running around with a bunch of kids, and you'll understand that a big part of their charm is eternal youth.

Virgos are known for their attention to detail (in bed and the bedroom!) and ability to remain extremely focused. Think about what happens when someone is that intensely focused on the object of their desire. Some people see Virgos as puritans, but really they are just purists - people who understand precisely what they want. Virgos have discriminating taste, but once they find something - or someone - they like, their passion is intensely focused. Remember, still waters do run deep. Another aspect of the Virgo sex appeal lies in their understanding that intellectual stimulation can sometimes be the most intoxicating of all. When they allow it to show, the virgin is an exceptionally sensual being.

Because Libras are represented by the balanced scales, they're sometimes thought of as people who avoid conflict at all costs. A wimpy lover who won't stand up for themselves is definitely not sexy - but that's really not what Libras are all about. Libras' sex appeal lies in their connection to harmony and balance. They're likeable, charming people who have a taste for the finer things in life, like art and music. They avoid conflict less out of fear than a desire to simply enjoy life at its best (without the distraction of conflict). And loving life, well, that's pretty sexy when it translates to the bedroom. Plus, their appreciation of sexy lingerie goes a long way.

Uncovering the Scorpio sex appeal isn't very difficult - Scorpios are known as the most sensual of all signs. It's not that all Scorpios are obsessed with sex, they just tend to be driven toward sensual experiences more than the rest of us. The Scorpio intensity isn't just about seduction, though. Scorpions are also known for being incredibly driven and able to accomplish anything they feel passionate about. They aren't ambitious for money or material things, but will work hard to accomplish great things for causes that really matter to them in a profound way. Scorpios are deeply curious and interested in constantly learning about new things. If a Scorpio is interested in you, they'll ask a lot of questions and try to get to know you. That kind of attention is flattering… and sexy. Their emotional energy can sometimes make Scorpios controversial figures, but at the end of the day, there's no denying the appeal of such passionate individuals.

On paper, the half-horse, half-human hybrid Sagittarius may seem a little odd. But think about what that combination represents: the powerful physical strength of an animal with the sharp intellect of a human being. Now that's sex appeal! Sagittarians are truth-seekers and adventurers. Their determination to go to the ends of the earth to find meaning and truth can also be a real turn on. Sagittarians are bright, energetic people who constantly crave excitement and change. They're also known for being jovial and charismatic. They have an optimism and energy that draws people to them - traits that can certainly carry over into the bedroom.

Capricorns don't always present the most glamorous type of sex appeal, but they can be sexy nonetheless - especially if you think strength and money is a turn on because they usually have both. You know, those strong, silent types? Capricorns are known for being practical, organized people. But the flip side is that they are also reliable and traditional in a way that can be very attractive to people seeking comfort in stability. They also have a dedication to getting things done right. Let's just say their determination and attention to detail can lead to a very thorough night of romance.

Aquarians are the ultimate free spirits - independent and non-traditional, yet somehow in harmony with the world around them. The idealism and hopeful energy surrounding Aquarius can be undeniably attractive. But because of their fierce independence, Aquarians are often uncomfortable with emotional closeness. Luckily, this distance is balanced by the fact that Aquarians often have a romantic streak a mile long. So despite the need for independence, they can use their trademark inventive energy to create a sensual, romantic moment - for the right person. Let's just say they're better at one night stands than forever.

Like Aquarius, Pisces are idealistic and hopeful. But even more than just being philosophically positive, the fish is thoughtful, sympathetic and caring. Pisces are sexy because they really, really care. They go the extra mile, root for the underdog and champion lost causes. They're sensitive and sometimes shy, but there's never any doubt where a Pisces heart lies. Anyone who's looking for a real-life, every day hero will be unable to deny the sex appeal of Pisces. Because of their intuitive nature, Pisces are also thought to be connected to the dream world. Think about the last sexy dream you had and imagine how exciting it would be if someone could sense your inner wants and desires. That's what makes Pisces sexy.

We all have ideas about what kind of people we're attracted to. But the truth is, there are a million different ways to be sexy. Sun signs are just one way (of many!) to get in touch with our own sexy side, and to learn what someone else desires most.

Find your astrological love match! Get a psychic reading today. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Saturday, January 10, 2009