Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good News!

I believe that every day, there are good news to tell or share. These are blessings but even bad events sometimes are blessings in disguise, right?

Good News # 1

Our Chamber Theater entry was hailed as one of the top 3. We got the third place but as the coach & director I was really happy about it. It does not matter if we are the 3rd, what matters to me is that we are one of the winners. All the other presentations were really great. I was even nervous because had I been one of the judges, I would really have a headache as to who will win. The first picture shows the whole cast including the props in-charge. The second is my photo. Behind me is one of our props.

Good News # 2

Our school head was happy about the result. During the awarding ceremony, the supervisors and the superintendent extended their congratulations to me and to the whole cast in general

Good News # 3

At Dulag, I've met my batch mates at Leyte Normal University. Only 3 of them are included in the picture 'cause the others are busy during the time that this picture was taken.

Good News # 4

Today, the Editor-in-Chief of our school publication and I went back to Dulag National High School to gather data regarding the Provincial Meet Results. We were able to arrive there and return back to Tabango safe and sound.

Good News # 5

My "honey" really makes me feel that he is very much in love with me. I wish he will stay that way for always. To me, this is a good news. Why? These days, seldom can you find somebody who will truly love you. Most men are just good at the start of the relationship...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

General Rehearsal for the Chamber Theater

These are the pictures taken during the general rehearsal today.

The picture on the left shows the persons who are in-charge of the props. They are Crisella, Shella, and Carah. Well, the director has to be present too and that's me (hehehehe).

This picture shows the complete cast of "Kune Comes of Age". This also shows one of our props which is the Mango Tree.

This shows the complete cast still with the "Bahay Kubo" (Nipa Hut).

This picture depicts the director and the narrator.
I wish that we will bring home the bacon tomorrow...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Practice for the Chamber Theater (Part II)

I have mentioned before that on September 16, 2008, the MRVNHS Chamber Theater entry was chosen as the Champion during the Area Level Literary-Musical Contest held at Leyte Agro-Industrial School (LAIS), Leyte, Leyte.
The Division Level contest is scheduled on October 27, 2008. That is already on Monday. The English Supervisor told me that students must have "live" preformance. That means, no group is permitted to have dubbing. So I have made few changes to fit to the set guidelines.
There are 13 students involved. Ten are actors and actresses and 3 are assigned to be the props-in charge.
Before the rehearsals, I emphasize to these students the rules all throughout the practice and presentation phases. I am doing this so that they will be guided as to what to do and how to behave properly. I also have told them that they should be glad that they were chosen from among the other students in school. I also have emphasized to them that being chosen is a privilege but it is their responsibility to show their best...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Funny Experience Today

These pictures were taken before I went to school today.
I am accustomed to wearing skirts and dresses. In school, every Friday is scheduled as the "Wash Day" so we (teachers) can wear anything we like. Of course, proper dress code must also be observed.
Usually, I prefer to wear skirt and blouse in going to school. Well, today, the one you see in the picture is what I wore.
You might wonder what is the funny experience I had today. When I entered the gate, our guard told me what he overheard from the students. Students at the gate were in chorus in saying "Wow, si Ma'am Reah..."
That's what I commonly hear from them so I just did not mind them.
In the afternoon, a co-teacher asked me "Day, na-notice nimo kadtong mga batang lalaki na niari sa Faculty room ganiha?"
I answered "Wala ra ba kuya kay pre-occupied kaayo ko sa mga dad-onon in going to MasterListBuilder Office."
"Well, niingon man ko na gwapo lagi tong usa ka bata ay, kamao sad to sa klase." He narrated. "Naunsa ba diay Inday nga miingon man siya, gwapa jud kuno ka and ikaw jud kuno iya panagasaw-on." He reported.
That's what is funny. Then, another co-teacher said "So if maohon na Inday May, maangata ta ug Jonie, Please Don't Cry..."
Well, it is normal for teenagers to admire. I have had my share of students saying they are in-love with me but I just ignore what they are saying. They are only kids. What they believe as "love" at this time may only be an "admiration". Teenagers find it dificult to distinguish between love and infatuation...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Daily Lessons in Life

"Experience is the best teacher."
I believe everybody knows this saying. While it is true that learning takes place in school, there are really many things that are understood outside of the school. Dealing with people for example. There are many theories related to it but these theories are verified or could be modified in actual situations.
I'm fond of speaking with persons older than me. In terms of wisdom, I know that they have more (although not all) to share to a young lady like me.
Case # 1
Yesterday, I had my nails cleaned/polished. Ate (I prefer not to divulge her name) shared to me about her family life and her "if only's." She said "if only I could turn back the time, I would not have married my husband..." She further stated :"if only I could put back my children to my stomach..." All these and many more.
You may be wondering why she has many "if only's". Well, she has many children and that she has a less responsible husband. I only say "less responsible" because he is not totally irresponsible. She told me that the attitude of a man should be considered before committing yourself to him. That's the greatest lesson she has ever learned. She told me that when people ask her before as to who will be her would-be husband, after she uttered the name most neighbors and friends say "bugoy kaayo na siya" (He is naughty.) But because she believes in love, and that she believes that a man may change because of love, she did not listen to their warning. It is only now that she realized that she must not have let her heart rule over her head.
Case # 2
This afternoon, I had a chance to talk with one of the women I admire (although she does not know about it yet). I admire her in terms of courage and conviction. She, despite of her past, stood up and went on with life. Our topic was realted to how these youngsters would become world-class outstanding workers if their line of thinking is very narrow.
These are only two of the situations where I have learned wisdom. There are still more... I might publish it next time.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On Relationships

"When a door closes, other doors and even windows will be opened for you."
When I was young, I was exposed to many fairy tales. Many fairy tales have happy endings. Having read those fairy tales, it was instilled in my head that once you fall in love, it always would have a happy ending.
It took me an actual experience of how it is to love and lost for me to open my eyes that fairy tales are only in books. Not all love stories have happy endings. In the real world, you need to make choices. Not only that, you have to stand for the choices you have made. Even in a relationship, you have to learn when to hold on and when to let go.
I was never exempted of experiencing life's pains. More than a year ago, I have decided to put a period on a special relationship I had. With an ardent prayer I was able to make it.
Sometimes, when it is raining you don't see the sun but after the rain, the sun peeps through. During the "rain", all we know is that the sky is dark. Water fall from the sky. Though we know that rain helps in making plants grow, we are uncomfortable in going out because we might be wet.
A year has passed, I see the wisdom why I needed to pass such stage. I now see the sun shining brightly. I could say that what happened was a blessing in disguise. I could not have met this man if it did not happen.
This article is especially dedicated to "my honey". I wish I could have met him then. But why should I ask for more when being loved by him at present is a great gift I ever received.
God's timing is really perfect...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sour Graping

I am a victim of sour graping because I am "the apple of the eye" of most people around me. My heart bleeds not because I am totally affected by what this coteacher is doing. It is because I pity her as a friend.
She may be saying bad things about me but I still pity her for she prefers to see me using dark shades.
I know she is acting like a "goat" which was not able to reach the grapes. Digging into the legend of the term "sour graping", you will be presented with the story of a goat which tried to reach grapes. The goat jumped many times but it wasn't able to reach even just one grapefruit. So, the goat walked away saying "well, it's all right. After all, those grapes taste sour."
How many times have you seen people throwing stones to a mango tree without fruits? Obviously, mango trees with fruits are thrown with stones.
Few, if not some people just prefer to be the thorns of other persons' lives. Psychologically, what these people are doing can be explained. It might be that their id is not fully satisfied. They might be tired of jumping or throwing stones, but still they gained nothing.
Well, I respect other people's opinions - positive or negative about me. After all, those are just opinions. I thank them for that. I firmly believe that criticisms help me grow as a person. Sometimes, I can't also help it, I am deeply wounded especially if the allegations are not true but who am I to be exempted of pains?
Diamonds and gold need to undergo a long process of polishing before they glitter/shine.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Crabs in Work Places

Some people could not just bear looking at persons go up. To them, these people who are on top must be pulled down. This is really crab mentality at work. When can these people learn that they too can go up without pulling people down?
It is a common situation in work places - public or private. Expressing negative words against persons who they consider as threats are what they do.
What is the root of crab mentality?
"Afraid to be poor? Afraid to be down? Why don't you pull your friends with you so you are not alone? Why don't you pull your neighbors down so you have companions? This is the usual understanding and explanation of a "crabness" or crab mentality. "If I cannot have it, no one must have it." When a crab doesn't want to get cooked inside a cooking pot or"kawali" or anything for cooking, they pull each other for survival or simply to get even but in the end, they all get cooked! This is the same situation in the Philippines. In short, INGGIT!"
These lines are really true. The bottom line of crab mentality is "jealousy or insecurity." People say negative words against you especially when you are praised for a particular achievement because they believe they become equal to this person when they do this.
How sad, why can't they just work hard and make their way to the top too?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Living for Others"

Lao Tzu in one of his poems said:

"Why is the universe everlasting
Because it does not live for others..."
We should learn to value others because they are the ones who make our life meaningful. No matter what achievements we attain, without persons to share with, these are meaningless.
Teachers have meager salary as they say but "money" is not the 'be-all and end-all' of teaching profession. Our wealth is not deposited in the bank. The wealth of teachers are deposited in the hearts and minds of students.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Hours

After the Echo-Seminar conducted by our school head, we ate lunch together. Then, our school head told us that we may have a singing session. Before, I joined in their singing activity, I made a letter request and training matrix for the Campus Journalism Seminar on October 18-19, 2008.
Then, I went to where they were - at IV-Humility Classroom. Most coteachers drunk beer. Last October 8, it was the birthday of one of my coteachers but she was not around during that day since she was in Cebu guarding her sister who was hospitalized.
They know thatI do not drink hard liquor, hence, they did not force me to drink with them. My mom gave me coffee instead. They requested me to sing so I did but because of a phone call I went out of the room so I would be able to attend to it.
When I came back, they were teasing me especially because of the choice of songs I had. These were the songs I sang:
  • Looking through the eyes of love
  • A very special love
  • Save the best for last
  • Tell me where it hurts
  • Dancing Queen
  • Torete
  • Mr. Kupido
Out of the songs I chose they concluded that I am in love. That I do not know yet. Love can be verified through time, right?
Even before when I'm asked to sing, most of these songs are what I choose.
Kuya Ewi sang "Be My Lady". This song reminds me of a person who was part of my past. Well, the song did not actually have the same effect as before. The past was really over. Same as a line of the song "I remember the boy but I don't remember the feelings anymore."

Friday, October 10, 2008

Time Management

Many of my coteachers are wondering how I am able to manage my time. They are aware that aside from being a teacher, I have other assignments - school publication adviser, Circle of English Language Lovers (CELL), and the Education Management Information System In-charge, coach during contests (Chamber Theater, Declamation, Desktop Publishing, etc). Aside from these, they know that I have tutorial classes at home and that I am part of an outsourcing business.
Time Management is the answer. We have the luxury of time. The choice is in our hands as to what will we do with it. Filipinos are oriented with "siesta".
For me, I make use of the "siesta" time or liesure time in learning new skills or in enhancing what I already have. Instead of just lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling, I read books or magazines, play guitar or keyboard, or write articles.
Time is something which cannot be brought back once gone. That's the reason why I make the most out of it...

Thursday, October 9, 2008


"A smile means nothing but gives much..."

During the search for Little Miss Sto. Rosario, the talent that I liked best was that of Angel but it is only the way she delivered the piece which needs to be improved still. However, the message of her piece was splendid.

It was all about "smile."

When I was still working at Leyte Normal University - Integrated Laboratory School (LNU-ILS), my students called me the "Smiling Teacher."
At present, my students call me the "Tiger Teacher." Can you see the irony? Well, it is not because I do not smile to them but it is because I wear a facade when in front of the kind of students I have at present. My goal is for my students to be "globally competitive"ones. In reaching such a goal, an element of being strict is necessary because if you will be lenient with them, all the more that they would not learn the skills that they really need.
The pictures I have posted were taken last night. You are free to give me comments regarding the pictures I have posted...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Power of Words

Here are famous quotes related to the power of words:

"Words: they can't be changed, rewound, or taken back, they make their mark signing into the guestbook of history." - Christina Pagliarulo

"Words in general and adjectives in particular have power. It is a power that comes in degrees or shadings. People and even societies can make value judgments on others just by the shadings of the words they use. Weird, strange, different and unique are really just different shadings of the same word but evoke completely connotations when applied to individuals or groups of people."
-Mr. Prophet
(Source: Book: "The Path")

"I have always been more afraid of a pen, a bottle of ink and a sheet of paper than of a sword or a pistol."-Alexandre Dumas
[Source: The Count of Monte Cristo (Penguin Classics) ]

Do you agree with these quotes? The power of words cannot really be underestimated. Some people seem to be tactful. Others are tactless. Whichever kind you belong, think about the possible effect it will have to the one you will address or speak to. Both have advantages and disadvantages but I still believe that the power of positivism overpowers negativism.

For instance, I have had a student before who was very naive. She does not greet any teacher except for one. She is intelligent but seems to have a different world. One time, she met the principal, she did not say anything. Of course, the principal got angry.

The principal said: "You should know how to greet persons in authority."

The student answered: "I don't have a good day, why should I greet people then?"

The principal called my attention being the adviser of the student. When I went out of the Principal's office I tried to talk to the student.

"Dear, I was called by the principal earlier and she told me what happened. Is it true that you are not greeting the other teachers and also our principal?" I said.

"Yes ma'am." She replied.

"How come you always greet me?" I inquired.

"Because you make me feel I am loved by calling me with my first name or calling me dear. I see the sincerity on your face when you say something to me because you always give me your sweetest smile. I am sorry ma'am if I caused you to be reprimanded by our principal. My name may not be very important to others but the way you say my name makes me feel being loved."

This was a very touching experience. Words without actions would not always convey the message that is in your heart.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Questions which need time to be answered...

When presented with a question, the time I take to respond depends on the degree of difficulty of the question. The higher the level of question given, the more time I need to give an answer. However, when it comes to personal questions, I really take time in giving an answer because for me not all answers have to be unvieled. There are answers that I keep to myself. These are few of the inquiries addressed to me by my friends today:
Question # 1
We know that you have many suitors but what take you so long in saying "YES" to a suitor?
My answer:
I am a person who stands by my word. My YES really means a lot to me. I need time to know a person better.
Question # 2
Is there any chance that you will still open your doors to your ex-boyfriend?
My answer:
I have had a cup for him. I told him that he could fill it with water but he must not let it overflow. He broke the cup that I reserved for him.
As Cupid said in the story Cupid and Psyche, "a relationship without trust cannot survive."
Question # 3
When will you marry?
My answer:
I could not answer the question at present. Maybe, when Cupid strikes my heart again or when my Prince Charming finds me.
Question # 4
Who will you consider as your Prince Charming? Or what are the characteristics of a man you are looking for to be your husband?
My answer:
I would go for a man who has a strong faith in God, has a great determination for the future, and has an abounding love for me.
Question # 5
In case you will have a family of your own, would you still be a dedicated teacher?
My answer:
Having dedication to any work is an attitude. Hence, if such an attitude is in the person's heart and mind, then may she be single or married, it would still be there.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Search for Little Miss Sto. Rosario of Tabango

Haven't heard from me for a couple of days?

Last October 3 and 4, I was sent to Calubian with four other teachers to be one of the coaches for the Area Level Meet. That's why I was not able to post entries in my blog.

Last night, I was one of the judges for the "Search for Little Miss Sto. Rosario of Tabango." This Search is the highlight of the Omega Clan Fiesta Celebration. Here are three of the pictures I had last night.
The first picture shows the two other judges of the Search. From Left to Right:

Catherine Marie B. Santos, a 3rd Year
College Student of the University of the Philippines, Tacloban Campus. She is a runway model of Jun Encarnacion. She was a high shool Student of mine at Leyte Normal University - Integrated Laboratory School.
Jumar Lumapak, Guidance Councilor of Leyte Normal University.
Me, a teacher of MRVNHS... (You may add the rest of the needed information...)
The second picture is my close up photo. However, it is quite dark. Well, the spotlight was focused of course to the contestants... Anyway, I can still be seen, right? So, it is not a problem then.

The last picture shows the sleepy "Inday May." This was taken after the show.

Well, you may have opinions regarding these photos. This does not show my real complexion because of the light.

You need to remember, that pictures are just semblances. They are not really worth a comparison to what is real...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Restful Holiday

Today is declared an official non-working holiday. Supposed to be we will have an echo training but because of typhoon "Pablo" it was cancelled.
You might notice the title that I have used is "restful holiday." For me, it really is. Normally, during weekends and holidays, I would have tutorial classes from 8a.m. up to 5p.m. Today, I preferred to cancel my tutorial classes except for one (at 4:30 - 5:30p.m. with Diane).
For more than three hours, I slept. Sleep is the best weapon of the body after all. Anti-bodies work properly if we have enough time to rest...