Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Hours

After the Echo-Seminar conducted by our school head, we ate lunch together. Then, our school head told us that we may have a singing session. Before, I joined in their singing activity, I made a letter request and training matrix for the Campus Journalism Seminar on October 18-19, 2008.
Then, I went to where they were - at IV-Humility Classroom. Most coteachers drunk beer. Last October 8, it was the birthday of one of my coteachers but she was not around during that day since she was in Cebu guarding her sister who was hospitalized.
They know thatI do not drink hard liquor, hence, they did not force me to drink with them. My mom gave me coffee instead. They requested me to sing so I did but because of a phone call I went out of the room so I would be able to attend to it.
When I came back, they were teasing me especially because of the choice of songs I had. These were the songs I sang:
  • Looking through the eyes of love
  • A very special love
  • Save the best for last
  • Tell me where it hurts
  • Dancing Queen
  • Torete
  • Mr. Kupido
Out of the songs I chose they concluded that I am in love. That I do not know yet. Love can be verified through time, right?
Even before when I'm asked to sing, most of these songs are what I choose.
Kuya Ewi sang "Be My Lady". This song reminds me of a person who was part of my past. Well, the song did not actually have the same effect as before. The past was really over. Same as a line of the song "I remember the boy but I don't remember the feelings anymore."


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...


ask ko lang te..:
if ever you will dedicate that songs to anybody who is he/she???


darrell said...

Some of the people their Happy hour is going to disco bar and drink as much as they like , such as alcoholic beer, wine and cocktails.For my self my happy hour is spent my life with my family, friends and to Worship God