Friday, October 24, 2008

Funny Experience Today

These pictures were taken before I went to school today.
I am accustomed to wearing skirts and dresses. In school, every Friday is scheduled as the "Wash Day" so we (teachers) can wear anything we like. Of course, proper dress code must also be observed.
Usually, I prefer to wear skirt and blouse in going to school. Well, today, the one you see in the picture is what I wore.
You might wonder what is the funny experience I had today. When I entered the gate, our guard told me what he overheard from the students. Students at the gate were in chorus in saying "Wow, si Ma'am Reah..."
That's what I commonly hear from them so I just did not mind them.
In the afternoon, a co-teacher asked me "Day, na-notice nimo kadtong mga batang lalaki na niari sa Faculty room ganiha?"
I answered "Wala ra ba kuya kay pre-occupied kaayo ko sa mga dad-onon in going to MasterListBuilder Office."
"Well, niingon man ko na gwapo lagi tong usa ka bata ay, kamao sad to sa klase." He narrated. "Naunsa ba diay Inday nga miingon man siya, gwapa jud kuno ka and ikaw jud kuno iya panagasaw-on." He reported.
That's what is funny. Then, another co-teacher said "So if maohon na Inday May, maangata ta ug Jonie, Please Don't Cry..."
Well, it is normal for teenagers to admire. I have had my share of students saying they are in-love with me but I just ignore what they are saying. They are only kids. What they believe as "love" at this time may only be an "admiration". Teenagers find it dificult to distinguish between love and infatuation...

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