Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sour Graping

I am a victim of sour graping because I am "the apple of the eye" of most people around me. My heart bleeds not because I am totally affected by what this coteacher is doing. It is because I pity her as a friend.
She may be saying bad things about me but I still pity her for she prefers to see me using dark shades.
I know she is acting like a "goat" which was not able to reach the grapes. Digging into the legend of the term "sour graping", you will be presented with the story of a goat which tried to reach grapes. The goat jumped many times but it wasn't able to reach even just one grapefruit. So, the goat walked away saying "well, it's all right. After all, those grapes taste sour."
How many times have you seen people throwing stones to a mango tree without fruits? Obviously, mango trees with fruits are thrown with stones.
Few, if not some people just prefer to be the thorns of other persons' lives. Psychologically, what these people are doing can be explained. It might be that their id is not fully satisfied. They might be tired of jumping or throwing stones, but still they gained nothing.
Well, I respect other people's opinions - positive or negative about me. After all, those are just opinions. I thank them for that. I firmly believe that criticisms help me grow as a person. Sometimes, I can't also help it, I am deeply wounded especially if the allegations are not true but who am I to be exempted of pains?
Diamonds and gold need to undergo a long process of polishing before they glitter/shine.


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

In life te, there are lots of people watching our next move, desperately waiting for us to fail, they even back-bite us, and praying for us to give up...But te don't mind them, it just doubles the fun of living and suriving.

Take it as a challenge te!
Let her say what she wanted to say to other people until such time she will be tired of doing it... Don't let her affect you te. Your world will still revolve even without being affected by her...

Stand still and chin-up te!!!

angelo said...

Good day ma'am,sour graping really is a good story and it is to be related on your situation. I think the person your talking has damaged taste buds for him/her not to taste the sweetness of a grape fruit (hehehehe just joking). More people may come your way ma'am and they may be a help or would bear scratches on your heart but just don't give up ma'am. Reasons would follow on why such persons are trying to walk the path that your taking ma'am. Have a pleasant day!

aveloso said...
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aveloso said...

Sour graping is total nonsense! Why just these kind of people shut their mouth up so there will be no conflicts then. They should mind their own thing and do their best so they can make it to the top too. Well if they will sour grape, they should keep it to their selves anyway. For those who are experiencing sour graping just don't mind them, after all who will get tired and look stupid!

Joie said...

Yes,its true their are people trying hard to reach you and if they failed to do so, they give up and just throw bad things about you. Those people has nothing to do with their life especially when they think they are better than you.

darrell said...
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darrell said...

Sour graping is a form of nonsence. It hangs in the mentality of people who are blind to the truth, reverses it and then accuses other people of being overtly mean and dishonest. Definitely true, you can never appreciate all people around you even you are successful then to everything but still there are few people who hit you with bad words, make a story to ruin your reputations. These are the people who failed to their plans, jealousy that control their emotions that no other things to do than distracting your with your journey. But one thing we have to bear in mind, we know ourselves. We just let that comes on our way to make us strong.

Reymond Longcanaya said...

Sour graping is totally stupid. Why not this people work hard to be successful too? Why they don’t mind their own business either?
But eventually we cannot escape on this kind of people as they are rampant (joke.) We just learn on them, and never be affected on their opinions towards you as they are all stupid. They are just only envy on what you have now, never through stones also. Remain deaf and go on with what your plans are.

maricel reubal said...

In our life their are many challenges in order for you to overcome that you must face it squarely.The God give that to you test how you believe in him.Just ignore them and continue sharing your knowledge to the people around you.