Monday, October 13, 2008

Crabs in Work Places

Some people could not just bear looking at persons go up. To them, these people who are on top must be pulled down. This is really crab mentality at work. When can these people learn that they too can go up without pulling people down?
It is a common situation in work places - public or private. Expressing negative words against persons who they consider as threats are what they do.
What is the root of crab mentality?
"Afraid to be poor? Afraid to be down? Why don't you pull your friends with you so you are not alone? Why don't you pull your neighbors down so you have companions? This is the usual understanding and explanation of a "crabness" or crab mentality. "If I cannot have it, no one must have it." When a crab doesn't want to get cooked inside a cooking pot or"kawali" or anything for cooking, they pull each other for survival or simply to get even but in the end, they all get cooked! This is the same situation in the Philippines. In short, INGGIT!"
These lines are really true. The bottom line of crab mentality is "jealousy or insecurity." People say negative words against you especially when you are praised for a particular achievement because they believe they become equal to this person when they do this.
How sad, why can't they just work hard and make their way to the top too?


edelizadano said...

Crab mentality somewhat a behavior or desires to climb out of a hole try to pull those on top in order to get ahead of the rest. This is a one of the bad trait of Filipinos. The challenge for us now is to go beyond our immediate families in helping others instead of doing selfish things. Unaware of it, each of them is behaving like crabs but in a positive way...

angelo said...

Good day ma'am, if all the people who takes crab mentality as one of their traits, I wonder if how would would they taste if they will be cooked in a "kawali" (hehehehe just kidding). Well certain people of these kind are just taking holes of other crabs just for them to have people's attention. Juts be patient and have faith in your self ma'am, GOD won't give you a test where you can't get out of. Good day ma'am.

aveloso said...

Well I think there's no place here in the Philippines wherein crab mentality is absent. And sad to say that Filipinos are known about this trait. To change this thought, changes must be made on oneselves for the better. Anyone must think that every individual is capable of getting into the top or having what he/she wanted without touching others lives if he/she is doing his/her part, as the saying goes "if there's a will, there's a way" and God will do the rest.

darrell said...

It’s true that some people in this modern world have a attitude of crab mentality. Like my neighbor her at place before they only a simple person but now their status in life is much better .And the problem is there is some people trying to them to be pulled down

Reymond Longcanaya said...

This is known to be, “"if I can't have it, neither can you." Bad attitudes mostly to Filipinos, that describes our apparent cutthroat behavior of pulling others down in our quest for success. Perhaps, we must try to be hardworking towards on top,not just trying hard to be successful then try pulling down others at the same time. That’s simply said, work and work then you will be successful someday.

_* rye *_ said...

“Enviousness” that what is all about. I think one of the reasons why we have this frame of mine is because we have an inclination for awards and recognition. In the process of recognizing individual achievements, you necessarily create somehow envy and admiration from the other people who do not get the same recognition. In my opinion, crab mentality is a hopeless byproduct of ENVY.

Joseph said...

I agree with you ma’am, that is why I considered crab mentality is a "CANCER" that never been cured. Considering crab mentality as a cancer because they can affects our daily living and good relationship among the neighbors around (the jealousy and insecurity are involved) but to fight the said cancer always remember this saying “Be proud if someone pulling you down, it means you are above them”.

roniemontuerto said...

Crab mentality should not be practiced by us, if we are practicing it now we should cut it because it is not good for us, it doesn’t improve our daily living. Some people want to pull down to those who are higher living compare to them but it is not good, we should cut this habit…..