Thursday, October 23, 2008

Daily Lessons in Life

"Experience is the best teacher."
I believe everybody knows this saying. While it is true that learning takes place in school, there are really many things that are understood outside of the school. Dealing with people for example. There are many theories related to it but these theories are verified or could be modified in actual situations.
I'm fond of speaking with persons older than me. In terms of wisdom, I know that they have more (although not all) to share to a young lady like me.
Case # 1
Yesterday, I had my nails cleaned/polished. Ate (I prefer not to divulge her name) shared to me about her family life and her "if only's." She said "if only I could turn back the time, I would not have married my husband..." She further stated :"if only I could put back my children to my stomach..." All these and many more.
You may be wondering why she has many "if only's". Well, she has many children and that she has a less responsible husband. I only say "less responsible" because he is not totally irresponsible. She told me that the attitude of a man should be considered before committing yourself to him. That's the greatest lesson she has ever learned. She told me that when people ask her before as to who will be her would-be husband, after she uttered the name most neighbors and friends say "bugoy kaayo na siya" (He is naughty.) But because she believes in love, and that she believes that a man may change because of love, she did not listen to their warning. It is only now that she realized that she must not have let her heart rule over her head.
Case # 2
This afternoon, I had a chance to talk with one of the women I admire (although she does not know about it yet). I admire her in terms of courage and conviction. She, despite of her past, stood up and went on with life. Our topic was realted to how these youngsters would become world-class outstanding workers if their line of thinking is very narrow.
These are only two of the situations where I have learned wisdom. There are still more... I might publish it next time.

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