Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On Relationships

"When a door closes, other doors and even windows will be opened for you."
When I was young, I was exposed to many fairy tales. Many fairy tales have happy endings. Having read those fairy tales, it was instilled in my head that once you fall in love, it always would have a happy ending.
It took me an actual experience of how it is to love and lost for me to open my eyes that fairy tales are only in books. Not all love stories have happy endings. In the real world, you need to make choices. Not only that, you have to stand for the choices you have made. Even in a relationship, you have to learn when to hold on and when to let go.
I was never exempted of experiencing life's pains. More than a year ago, I have decided to put a period on a special relationship I had. With an ardent prayer I was able to make it.
Sometimes, when it is raining you don't see the sun but after the rain, the sun peeps through. During the "rain", all we know is that the sky is dark. Water fall from the sky. Though we know that rain helps in making plants grow, we are uncomfortable in going out because we might be wet.
A year has passed, I see the wisdom why I needed to pass such stage. I now see the sun shining brightly. I could say that what happened was a blessing in disguise. I could not have met this man if it did not happen.
This article is especially dedicated to "my honey". I wish I could have met him then. But why should I ask for more when being loved by him at present is a great gift I ever received.
God's timing is really perfect...

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