Saturday, October 25, 2008

Practice for the Chamber Theater (Part II)

I have mentioned before that on September 16, 2008, the MRVNHS Chamber Theater entry was chosen as the Champion during the Area Level Literary-Musical Contest held at Leyte Agro-Industrial School (LAIS), Leyte, Leyte.
The Division Level contest is scheduled on October 27, 2008. That is already on Monday. The English Supervisor told me that students must have "live" preformance. That means, no group is permitted to have dubbing. So I have made few changes to fit to the set guidelines.
There are 13 students involved. Ten are actors and actresses and 3 are assigned to be the props-in charge.
Before the rehearsals, I emphasize to these students the rules all throughout the practice and presentation phases. I am doing this so that they will be guided as to what to do and how to behave properly. I also have told them that they should be glad that they were chosen from among the other students in school. I also have emphasized to them that being chosen is a privilege but it is their responsibility to show their best...

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