Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Power of Words

Here are famous quotes related to the power of words:

"Words: they can't be changed, rewound, or taken back, they make their mark signing into the guestbook of history." - Christina Pagliarulo

"Words in general and adjectives in particular have power. It is a power that comes in degrees or shadings. People and even societies can make value judgments on others just by the shadings of the words they use. Weird, strange, different and unique are really just different shadings of the same word but evoke completely connotations when applied to individuals or groups of people."
-Mr. Prophet
(Source: Book: "The Path")

"I have always been more afraid of a pen, a bottle of ink and a sheet of paper than of a sword or a pistol."-Alexandre Dumas
[Source: The Count of Monte Cristo (Penguin Classics) ]

Do you agree with these quotes? The power of words cannot really be underestimated. Some people seem to be tactful. Others are tactless. Whichever kind you belong, think about the possible effect it will have to the one you will address or speak to. Both have advantages and disadvantages but I still believe that the power of positivism overpowers negativism.

For instance, I have had a student before who was very naive. She does not greet any teacher except for one. She is intelligent but seems to have a different world. One time, she met the principal, she did not say anything. Of course, the principal got angry.

The principal said: "You should know how to greet persons in authority."

The student answered: "I don't have a good day, why should I greet people then?"

The principal called my attention being the adviser of the student. When I went out of the Principal's office I tried to talk to the student.

"Dear, I was called by the principal earlier and she told me what happened. Is it true that you are not greeting the other teachers and also our principal?" I said.

"Yes ma'am." She replied.

"How come you always greet me?" I inquired.

"Because you make me feel I am loved by calling me with my first name or calling me dear. I see the sincerity on your face when you say something to me because you always give me your sweetest smile. I am sorry ma'am if I caused you to be reprimanded by our principal. My name may not be very important to others but the way you say my name makes me feel being loved."

This was a very touching experience. Words without actions would not always convey the message that is in your heart.


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

iba talaga ate ko....
just stay as who you are te because we love you as you are and no one can ever replace you...

mwahugz te,.

Christina Rose said...

I loved your message about the power of words. Please check out my blog sometimes I'm Christina Pagliarulo I hope you find everything else I have to write as inspiring as my quote that you used about words. That quote is actually a line that came out of a poem I wrote in 2002. Have a great night! Happy Holidays