Friday, October 10, 2008

Time Management

Many of my coteachers are wondering how I am able to manage my time. They are aware that aside from being a teacher, I have other assignments - school publication adviser, Circle of English Language Lovers (CELL), and the Education Management Information System In-charge, coach during contests (Chamber Theater, Declamation, Desktop Publishing, etc). Aside from these, they know that I have tutorial classes at home and that I am part of an outsourcing business.
Time Management is the answer. We have the luxury of time. The choice is in our hands as to what will we do with it. Filipinos are oriented with "siesta".
For me, I make use of the "siesta" time or liesure time in learning new skills or in enhancing what I already have. Instead of just lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling, I read books or magazines, play guitar or keyboard, or write articles.
Time is something which cannot be brought back once gone. That's the reason why I make the most out of it...


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

that's my ate!!!

Just keep it up te....

edelizadano said...

Absolutely right!
Time management is very important not only the professionals but it was included by all human being concern with the self – improvement. You cannot improve your time management skills by doing nothing. You have to do something, but not very much.
Start to adjust your precious time today!!!

roniemontuerto said...

Yes, you’re right!
Time management is very important, not only for those professionals but everyone of us.
As what a maxim says “Time Is Gold” when the time passed by it will never come back again. We should not waste our time, or else you make time schedule of you task everyday. If you have a vacant time you purchase your time in reading books, magazines, newspapers and other reading materials. Time is precious.

Joseph said...

I agree with you ma’am, because you understand how to manage one's time, this is contributed very much to your success of personal and professional lives. One thing that I can suggest you if you do not mind, just give yourself a big rewards even small amount of time because money and knowledge are not enough compare to our health.