Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day Off

I told you before that I always keep myself busy, even during weekends I have tutorial classes with kids and high school students.

Today is quite a different one, I cancelled my tutorial classes in the afternoon so can go with aunt Ely, Nanay Peling (sister of my grandmother) and Crisella (working student). We went to Liog2x to gather shells (or should I say clams?).

Lao Tse said you will never go wrong with nature. Precisely, what he said is correct. whenever I feel so stressed or if I have problems I just spend time looking at the sea. In this way, I regain strength and have peace of mind.

You might say, "Sayang!" (Waste of time.) Well, supposed to be I will have 5oo pesos in just one afternoon if I had my tutorial classes but the quality time I have spent with my aunt and granny is more than the happiness 500 pesos can give. My grandmother and Aunt come to Tabango rarely so I give them time when they are here.

I did not bring my cellphone when we went to Liog2x. My friends sent me messages, some of them told me, they have checked my blog. Two of them told me, they can hardly see my picture. I intentionally did it. Maybe some other time, I will post a close up picture. I actually wanted to emphasize that my write ups are more important than my picture. I believe a picture is only a semblance, it is never worth a comparison to what is real.

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