Saturday, August 16, 2008

Teaching: Not a bed of Roses

Teaching is not a bed of roses. While it is true that there are roses, there are more thorns than petals...

You now ask, why did I prefer to be a teacher when in fact I know such reality. What are the thorns of teachers?

Thorn # 1. Low Salary

Thorn # 2. Not all students will treasure what you are teaching.

Thorn # 3. Seeing students not giving importance to their studies.

Thorn # 4. Few teachers (correct me if I am wrong) are like crabs, when they see you on top, they will look for ways to pull you down.

Thorn # 5. Paper works

There are still many other thorns but let us just have five for now. I believe these are the most common thorns.

Do not stop reading yet, you might think I am really very pessimistic about teaching. Come on, if I am pessimistic about it, why am I teaching until the present?

Have you seen a rose already? I am very sure you already have seen its different varieties.
When you see a rose like this, where is your focus?Is it on the thorns? I doubt if you do. I am certain, your focus is on its beautiful flower. So, why am I teaching still, it is because no matter how many thorns are there, seeing a budding rose gives joy to my heart.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it is really inspiring should let other people and students so that they will realize how hard it is to be a teacher..another job well done!