Friday, August 8, 2008

Life's Challenges

Life is full of challenges. Every day is a new one, a gift which is coupled with challenges. I can't forget the words of my favorite professor in college, "You are not excused of life's challenges. Jesus himself had undergone sufferings while He was on earth but these challenges should not hinder your faith in God and your will to move on with life. No matter how good you are, people have always something to say about you. Why worry about what they say? So long as you know what you are doing is right, you have to go on living.
From that time he told me so, until today, these words are like the tintinnabulation of bells. These serve as my guide to move on. I have had my share of loving and losing. It was never so easy but like a diamond, it never shines until it's polished. I take all the trials I've been through as ways for me to grow more in wisdom and courage.
I always try to do the best that I can in any aspect of my life. For others, my best may not be good enough but I'm still consoled at the end of the day 'cause I have not given any rooms for what ifs.
For those who accept me as I am, I thank them for doing so. They make me feel very special. For those who have caused me heartaches, I still thank them, I could not be much wiser than who I was before. I am far from being perfect, I don't claim to be one. I have my strengths and weaknesses but beyond my imperfections, I am really a loyal friend...


Forbidden Love said...
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Forbidden Love said...

exactly! you can never please everybody, no matter how kind and good you are still life is unfair. because you cannot see what's beyond it if you can't feel the pain of losing, of losing someone you thought you cannot live without...

time is a good healer, it will be healed in due time... life must go on...