Monday, August 4, 2008

Prelude from a Neophyte

Blogging? I have never thought of doing this until I was asked by a renowned person if I have a blog. I love to write. Yes, I really do. I've kept a diary since I was in high school. Whenever I have new experiences - may it be sad or happy, I write about it. I never intended to share those with anybody except for few trusted persons.

I have read about Lea Salonga having a blog. She is one of the persons I admire. Not because some say that I have resemblance of her facial feature, but because I like her the way she portrays the meaning of the song when she sings. Avid fans of Lea, I guess would agree with me.

Anyway, I have decided to give it a try. I am a very busy person but despite of being busy I still find time to write. I do not enclose learning within the classroom alone. The best teacher after all is still experience. I love to learn from people's experiences. I wonder if someone will read this... as I've said I am just giving it a try.

Just in case, you come across this blog, I am open to suggestions. As a neophyte, I am opening a big door for learning...

1 comment:

mariefelipe said...

Nice Work here May!!Welcome to the world of blogging...Keep it up!!