Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Grandparents

Got questions about the title? I grew up living with my parents and grandmother at home. This grandmother is the mother of my mother. At present she is already 87 years old. What is her secret of a long life? It is very simple - she is very careful with her food intake. She eats vegetables. She eats meat but at a very minimal amount. Take note, her eldest brother is still alive too. He is around ninety years old.
This grandmother told me that she has a sister who left Leyte. She does not know where she is. This sister has never even written a letter after she left. In fact, we already included her name when we pray for souls in Purgatory.
Until one day last year, an old woman came to our house looking for my grandmother. She told us, she left Leyte 50 years ago. She was with her youngest daughter who is around 40 years old already. Guess what? My grandmother and this woman have recognized each other despite of their physical appearance. When they were face to face with each other they hugged and tears welled in their eyes.
I really wondered how they recognized each other. Remember, it was fifty years ago that they saw each other. My grandmother told me, it was not the appearance that she looked into. She felt something in her heart. She knew from the heart that the woman who came is the sister who was lost 50 years ago.
It was a very touching experience. It proved that while our eyes can see the physicalities of a person, our heart can perceive beyond what our eyes can actually see. This situation reminds me of a line from the book "The Little Prince": "It is only from the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye."


Inday May said...

Good work ate May!

-Inday Mayenne

Forbidden Love said...

well said may... i think diane can tell us about that little prince story on her own way...hehehe...

i'm so touched...

Unknown said...

i'm touched..nice work maam..

Unknown said...

nice article maam..can post the article of little prince