Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ways to Keep Oneself Busy

As I have promised, we'll continue the topic yesterday. Remember what sister Pia said? Very well, now sometimes there is really a temptation to just stay idle, right? Think of ways to keep yourself busy.

In my case, when I'm done with works to be done in school or at home these are what I do:
- read books or magazines
- write (an entry in my journal, a poem, or a novelette)
- prepare exercises for tutorial classes
- play the keyboard (organ) or guitar
- sing songs
- cook food

Obviously, I do not do all these at one time. I just choose one of these for me to have something to do. You too can make your vacant time fruitful, right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

short but meaningful(laughs!)..anyway, thanks for those sure i can do at least one of those..especially cookng because i also like cooking and reading books..good job maam!