Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I thought I have lost my entry last Sunday. Now i found it. I have posted it at my secondary blog. You may visit it too. It is at

I have a very important lesson today. My coteachers asked me if I had photocopied my testpaper already. I told them, I haven't but I was about to. They asked me to include their's when I will send my testpaper to Tabango Printworks. Well, they know that Ate Jojilyn is my friend. They have this belief that when I will be the prioritized (that's their belief only, Okay?). Anyway, I sent the testpapers and a letter thru Lutchie, a fourth year student. Since my test is at 2:30 tomorrow, I have indicated that their testpapers will be risographed first.

My coteachers really felt happy for the favor I have granted them. I included in my letter too that the operator of Tabango Printworks may send me a message through text if all the testpapers were already risographed. At past 11 in the morning, I received a message. I was told something went wrong with their risographing machine. I responded "Don't you have any solution to the problem? Please inform me between 12 - 1p.m. if you can't address the problem so my coteachers and I will be able to look for other means..."

I did not receive any reply so Tita Lor decided to go to Tabango Printworks 'cause she was so worried since her subject is the first in the list of subjects to be taken by the students. When she came back to school, she told me that all of their test papers were risographed except the last page of her test. What is so surprising? Mine was not started yet...

I don't know why I did not feel upset. I just told her, that's life. When you try to help others, you really sacrifice your own. The other coteacher (Ate Merl) told me "Hala day ang imo nuon ang wa natrabaho" (The one which was not risographed were your testpapers - she used a sad tone in saying those words.) I still replied the same lines I've uttered to Tita Lor. So I sent a mesage again to the operator: "Do inform me if you will be able to work on my testpaper. I will wait until tomorrow morning." Another coteacher sounded antagonistic. She suggested, I should get my testpapers and have it photocopied instead.

I still preferred to be optimistic. Tonight, I received a message from the operator that he'll work on my testpapers tomorrow early in the morning 'cause the risographing machine is already okay.

This situation opened my eyes to reality that optimism really works and that when you help others you will really be rewarded. Of course, many times the reward do not come easily but if you learn how to wait, you will really appreciate its essence.

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