Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lessons Learned from Reading

Here is what I have learned from what I read today:
"There are two philosophies of life:
1. feast and then the headache
2. fast and then the feast
Deferred joy purchased by sacrifice is always the sweetest."
My perfect examples of persons who made use of the second philosophy are my parents. I always say "I will not be what I am now if not because of my parents." That is really true. My parents have instilled in my head the value of sacrifice. They made use of teaching by doing. They made sacrifices for them to be where they are now. They are both indigent individuals. Yes, they were not born with silver spoons and gold plates. They walk a number of miles before just to reach school. My mother (Rene, Nene to her friends)helped in selling dried fish, carrying the basket on her head. She did not mind what others say, what she knows is that she had to do it so she can study. My father (Abraham, known as Jun to his friends) helped too in planting rice, making copra, etc so he could earn a degree.
Had they followed the first philosophy, we, their daughters will also have the same kind of life as what they had or even more miserable. We are not rich in terms of money but the values my parents have passed to us (their daughters) are more than any gold could buy.

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