Monday, August 11, 2008


I am indeed a neophyte in terms of blogging. I have encoded an entry for my blog last night. When I tried to read it today, I can't find it. I'm pretty sure, I really made one. My focus that time was about the Gospel yesterday. Do not wonder why the topics are varied, after all this is a tete-a-tete. Well, this is between you and me.

About life? Where do I start? Or how should I start? I'm a rational person. Yes, I always seek for answers to any event or situation that I do not understand. Oftentimes, I got answers but there are really questions that take many days before an answer is found. Sometimes, there is no answer at all...

That's life! At the age of 26, I have many realizations in life. I don't claim to be philosophical or a person full of wisdom. I'm still reserving a room for more wisdom. I have realized that:
a. Not all you want is what you get.
b. In life, no matter how good you are to others, they always have something to say.
c. Not all questions have answers.
d. In loving a person, you do not always get the same kind or amount of love you have given.
e. Not all love stories have happy endings.
f. In some cases, both of you are in love with each other, but there are circumstances that
hinders you to show or express that love.
g. Our choices define our life.

Any realization of yours too?

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