Thursday, August 7, 2008

Making Decisions

Everyday we are faced with choices to make. Whatever we choose affects our present and future. I believe in these lines
"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."
Yes, it is really true but have you been faced with really difficult choices? Like you're confused whether to follow your head or your heart? Or you have a part-time job which starts at 6p.m. and you've got a student who needs to be brought to the hospital.
The latter is what I experienced this evening. It was totally difficult because I really make it a habit to be on time. But how could I leave a student because of my work? If something wrong would happen to her, my conscience will be guilt-stricken. Dothy (the student who got sick) is from a far-flung barangay in Tabango. She has symptoms of dengue. She is only staying in a boarding house.
What did I do? Tita Lor (my coteacher) and I brought her to the hospital. The doctor said she has to be admitted but we requested that since her parents are not yet around, she will just be given medicine.
I informed my superior via landline that I would be late.
She may not understand me but for me, I did what I have to do as a Christian. Remember the parable of the Good Samaritan? Well, you may not really call me a Samaritan. What matters is, I have given no rooms for what ifs. No matter what happens to my student, I already did what I have to do...

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