Thursday, August 21, 2008

Greener Pasture

A lot of people would look for a greener pasture, right? Does this question ring a bell to your head? Of course, we want a BETTER LIFE... or a COMFORTABLE LIFE.
Have you closely observed goats? If you are from a rural place like me, I'm sure you already did. When you place a goat in a fence, it would look for ways to jump to the other side of it. Why? It is because a goat always looks at the other side as greener as where it is.
There is nothing wrong to dream big, bigger or even biggest but you need to make considerations or weigh the pros and cons of your choices. Say for example, a man left his girlfriend because he exchanged her for a rich one. After a few months, the man wanted to return to the previous girlfriend because he realized a lot of things. One of these realizations is that money is not the answer to all his needs and wants. Who is that man? He is no one else but my ex-boyfriend! What he failed to see, is the that he gave up love in exchange of selfish desires. He thought he would still have the girlfriend (that's me) when he decides to return. He confessed, he had a miserable life when he left me. Oh well, that's what we call as bad karma. You think I caused him to be miserable? Absolutely not! He chose to be in that situation. How could he desert the one he loves? He still has a face to come back? Oh come on! Does he have any decency?
So, if I'll have to write an essay for him, I would entitle it with LOOKING FOR A GREENER PASTURE, ENDING IN A DESERT.

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