Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I was assigned at TNHS as an examiner for the NCAE. I have had 30 examinees. NCAE is National Career Assessment Examination (NCEE before). It is designed to assess students' as to what field they are inclined to. The result will be their guide taking up a course in college.

Ironically, most students have finished the test ahead of time. It is as if, they just make guesses. So after the test, I have questions in mind which I'd like to share to you.

Do the youth of today have a vision of what their future would be? What are their plans for the future? Are they finding ways to reach for their dreams?

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

I also have taken the NCAE before.
It is not merely a 50 item test or even 100 item test but it is up to 300+ item test (correct me if im wrong) that needs so much time. In fact, it is a whole day exam..But for them?? Wow what a genius individuals!!!! (ironically speaking)
Perhaps, they are not taking it as a challenge or ability exam but a joke... But I hope in the next generations, the youth will stand as the HOPE OF THE FATHERLAND..