Tuesday, September 30, 2008

'Not all we want is what we get"

Have you ever experienced not being able to get what you want? Many times perhaps, right? To those who think that I always get what I want, you are absolutely wrong.
"I believe in love... I believe in dreams... I believe in miracles..." Sounds familiar? Very much! It is because these are lines of a famous song.
Sometimes, some of your friends do not intentionally do it but they already have added injury to the wound. That is what I have experienced today. They have opened a topic for conversation about a "lost love." (Actually, he is not my ex-boyfriend.)
My life is an open book to my coteachers. They know me very well because most of them were my teachers in high school. They know one chapter of my life which I would like to forget but maybe I am given this situation so I would know how to accept 'realities.'
It was 'us' in my dream world. As said by his friends and relatives, I am the 'love' of his life and so is he in my heart. Well, not all love stories have happy endings. This is a great lesson which I have learned. It is only in fairy tales that love stories always end happily for in reality there are many factors that affect why a love story could not just end happily. He is already married (forced to marry a woman who makes her way to get what she wants)...
Well, partly I have contributed to the present situation. I made a choice then - to focus on my studies or to have a boyfriend at an early age. I chose the former because I am the eldest and I would like to set as an example to my younger siblings. How would they follow what I say if what I say is totally different with what I do? I vowed not have a boyfriend while I was in high school and college. I was true to the choice I have made. Hence, I finished my degree with flying colors...
Because of the choice I have made, I have attained my goals - to be an example to my sisters and to give my medals and certificates to my parents as my presents for them during Graduation Day.
Moreover, because of that choice, looking for a job is not a problem because jobs are being offered to me.
Consequently, because of that choice I lost my "dream man." How sad! You might say... But I am really aware of the fact that I cannot have it all.
I know when I made the choice before, I have chosen something for a greater good. I don't regret for what I have chosen. I still believe that God has reserved one (much better than him) for me. God's ways are not my ways so I will just have to wait. God's time is the perfect time after all...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Quantity versus Quality

To those who might be able to read my blog, please note that in this article I just would like to express my opinion. You are free to agree or disagree with me, the choice is yours.
Actually, this is quite a sensitive issue that I would like to comment on. That's why I started with lines telling you that these are merely my opinion.
In a family, who do you think will probably have successful children - those who only have two or those who have ten? I know your answer would be the former. Obviously, those parents who have few children have a great chance of sending their children to better if not the best schools.
Well, I am saying that public schools are not good compared to private schools. Take note, I am a product of public schools from elementary to my tertiary education.
Department of Education has a program which leads to mass promotion. Of course, it is not bluntly stated but it is obvious. Why? Supervisors (although not all) would ask or even reprimand teachers who give failing grades to many students.
With respect to individual differences, we know that not all students have the same performance. It is totally easy for these higher authorities to say that students having failing grades are all because of teacher factor. In a way, they may be right but it is not applicable to all situations.
Before I have worked with DepEd, I was privileged to work at my Alma Mater. I was assigned to teach at the Integrated Laboratory School (ILS) of Leyte Normal University. The maximum number of students are 40. Each year level has only one section.
Why are the students of LNU-ILS intelligent?
1. Their parents provide their children's needs (food, clothing, etc.)
2. They have tutors.
3. They are enrolled in a school with complete facilities.
4. There are only a few of them inside the classroom.
5. Their teachers are closely supervised.
There are still many factors but these are the top 5 reasons I believe which have fostered the students' intelligence.
Looking at the reasons enumerated above, are all of the students' intelligence associated with teacher factor only?
Observe the sand. That is one element in building a house, right? A person may order tons of sand but are all these used? Isn't it that the workers (carpenters) use sieve to separate the coarse and the fine ones?
Same with students. Some say that they have to be promoted even without them learning the basic skills. Is this fair with the student? They reach high school without even the basic comprehension skills? Some teachers would argue that they pity the parents or they are afraid that they will be reprimanded by their superiors if they fail pupils/students.
Don't they pity a child who reach further degree without being equipped of the skills they need? Is the quantity of pupils who were given passing grades the measure of the effectivity of the teacher? Think about these...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

On Responsibilities

One of my favorite lines in the movie "Spiderman" is "The greater your gifts... The greater are your responsibilities."
If you have noticed, I was not able to post a blog yesterday. I went to the Division Office to join the Conference with the Leyte Division English Supervisor and five other chosen teachers. I am the youngest in the group. The Conference had three agenda:
a. plan for the Division Schools Press Conference
b. organize writers for the Division Publication
c. strategize funds for DSSPAA
Some teachers envy my situation because from time to time, I am called to do some tasks as requested by the Division Supervisors.
First, I did not volunteer.
Second, they have to know that every call connotes responsibilities.
Maybe they just think about the perks that are coupled with it. Crabs are in the sea. We are humans and we must not act like crabs. God has been so good that He has blessed me with some skills and talents which I know I have to share.
Most people would like to shine but they are afraid of the dark and much more that they are afraid of responsibilities. "It is in the dark that the star shines."
I also believe what Saint Jose Maria Scriva said that if you wish to go to heaven you have to do simple tasks extra ordinarily well.
Only the perks are what most people see but they should know that behind these perks are the responsibilities that have to be accomplished.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Office Politics

In an organization, you cannot help it, there are really people who would say something no matter how good you are to them. In my case, I have learned to accept that fact. When I was at the dawn of my teaching career, I was easily affected with what others say. Immediately, my response to the situation would be a pail of tears.
A present, I have passed the stage of being a "cry baby." No matter what others say, I take their words as criticisms. I try to reflect what they say and if they are only merely expressing an unfounded opinion I don't actually mind them. They are the "dogs" of my life. (Remember the previous analogy shared by Dr. Colasito?) Or if the situation calls for it, I would ask the person concerned to have a dialog with me so we can clarify he issues...
Life does not have to be that complicated and bearing heartaches would not make us appear more beautiful... So why keep grudges, when we can store happy memories in our hearts?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lucky Day?

My schedule this morning was to let the 2nd year students watch the movie "Anna and the King". With II-Patience, all the one hour alloted time was consumed in buying a new pair of battery for the remote but ended up not working still. Thus, with II-Harmony, I ended up having the students watch "The One."
Later part of the day, a coteacher told me taht we have two students who really have a "big problem" (Sorry, can't tell the details here). My opinion was sought as to what we were supposed to do.
Then, at four o' clock in th afternoon, my father sent a text message that salary is already available. I informed some of my coteachers. I had a meeting with the staff so I asked Tita Lor to wait for me so we will go together to Tabango National High School. I know my father will hand me my check but I just want to go to TNHS so I can sign the payroll. When Tita Lor and I arrived at TNHS, Papa told us that Ma'am Em2x just left.
What a day!
Lesson I have learned today? You may start having a bad situation but how you deal with it makes a difference... There are still lessons to learn and opportunities to to be uncovered even in a worst situation.
In the evening, I have had four males visitors - Fr. Bedel, Jun2x and company. After more than 9 years, that was the only time Fr. Bedel was able to visit our house again. He was able to drop by our house when he was still a seminarian. I was a fourth year high school then... He was the one who gave my number to Jun2x. I'm not fond of having textmates actually. Because he was the one who gave my number, I gave in (to be a textmate). I know, he would not push me to friends who would lead me to darkness. What is wrong with having friends, right?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On Friendship

My topic with the 4th year high school students is on "hallmarks of friendship." Students seem to be interested of the topic. Precisely because many of them can relate. Everybody in each class has a friend. The poorest person I believe is the one who does not have any friend at all.

For my 26 years of stay in this world, I can say that generally there are three kinds of friends:
a. true friends
They are persons who are willing to accept you for what you are. They know your strengths and weaknesses but still they remain faithful to you.

b. close friends
They are persons whom you are comfortable talking or spending time with. You agree on a lot of topics. You feel comfortable with each other's company.

c. fair weather friends
They are persons who are there when you have somthing to give them. When you shine, they are there but when time comes that your star run out of light, they also fade away.

"Friends are flowers in the garden of life." We seek true friends but we cannot avoid that there are fair weather friends. Just like a garden, its beauty depends on the variety of flowers that you see in it. To make our garden of life, wider and better, we need friends.

As for me, I do not need a vast garden. I am not after of quantity but of quality of friends. What is the use of having many when they are only flowers that bloom for a single minute and fade away during the time that you need them most?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wrong Conclusions

One of my coteachers who is very dear to me told me that she really was irritated last night because she was said to be the source of gossip. I was stunned because I know this person very well. How could she be a source of gossip? She narrated how it happened.
How did it happen? It was a wrong conclusion of a particular person who was actually the source of gossip. This person tried to use her name to cover up what she is doing.
I know how this coteacher feels because I too had undergone the same plight. Mine was even worse than what she had experienced. Why? It is because one person falsely warned our school head to be extra careful with me and my mother. This person accused my mother and I to be backbiters.
You ask the teachers who are very close to me, they can attest what I say about our school head.
What I always say is I admire how Ma'am Chona treats the "other persons" staying in their house. What more? I always tell them that Ma'am is not boastful and that in their house, she really is very simple.
Tell me, what is wrong with what I said? These are statements of facts.
Anyway, there are really people who just would like to act like crabs. They just cannot be happy with other people's success. Worse, they try to cover up their own wrong doings by making other people appear as bad as they are.
I remember the words of my favorite teacher in college - Dr. Franklin Colasito said "On your way to the market, May, dogs barked you. What will you do? Will you proceed in going to the market or are you going to go back to your house?" This analogy lingers in my mind whenever I meet unpleasant situations.
I clearly remember that I said "I will continue going to the market Sir."
Then he said, "That's right. Just look for ways so that these dogs will go away from you. You need to have a clear direction as to where you are going. It is not that when trials come your way, you become chicken-hearted. On your way up, people will try to pull you down. Do not mind them. If you know that what you are doing is right, then, don't panick. Do not be affected with narrow-minded people."

Monday, September 22, 2008

Value of Love

My students were asigned last Friday to have a radio broadcasting (2nd year) and speech delivery (4th year).
Regarding the radio broadcasting activity, I was pleased with II-Harmony presentations but with II-Patience, I was quite dismayed. It is totally difficult to reach out to students who do not know how to help themselves. Most of them in II-Patience do not know the value of education. Most of them are like nails, without a carpenter they are useless.
It is totally difficult to love the unlovable...
With the fourth year, IV-Faith is showing progress. Of course, IV-Humility presentations were still superb. There were three topics I told them to choose: Value of love, value of friendship, and value of peace. Guess what? Majority chose value of love.
As expected, teenagers are really fond of the topic "love". Back when I was in high school, I also would write about love most of the time. In Fact, I have written several novelletes and poems about love.
With what these high school students show, I could recall some happy memories I have had in high school. Given the chance to relive my life, I will still happily tread on the path I've walked on. If there is something I need to change, there is only one that I will change: treating my ultimate crush fairly. I should say, I have been totally unfair to him. I've ignored him even when he tried to reach out to me. It was all my defense mechanism for him not to notice my affection towards him. Perhaps, if I had been friendly to him, there might have been a chance that the lovestory I only have imagined will be turned into reality.
If given the chance to relive my life... This is expressed in the subjunctive mood because I know time could never be turned back. Still, most of my high school memories are pleasant. Without changes, my life is near to perfection. God has been so kind to me. I hope He will always be till the end of my life. I know, God's love to me is immeasurable. Despite of my imperfections, He has never left me...

Sunday, September 21, 2008


My sister Marianne, a first year college student, told me through text that she has a problem with her groupmates who do not fully cooperate with her. She was assigned as the leader in their group. (Usually, her classmates would vote her as the leader.)
I told her that next time she has to learn how to say no. Being a leader means a lot but if it affects her then she has to learn how to say no. Besides, she is the leader in most of the activities so to say no in one assignment is very much valid.
I further told her that she must not carry the world upon her shoulders. All the others may be acting as crosses because they want the position which she is handling only that they were not nominated. Filipino crab mentality, right?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Special Saturday

Early this morning, I went to Ate Jojilyn's apartment to give her a copy of my exams and to hand my gift to Diane. It's Diane's 5th birthday today. What I like about this child is that she is really very perceptive. She also has a zeal for education.

As soon as I gave her my present, she opened it. When she saw what it was, she was very thankful. That is another attitude that I really appreciate. I gave her color pencils. She immediately used those.

At 9a.m., Ate Jojilyn, Richard and two MLB workers conducted a test on grammar to 25 persons (4th year students and out of school youth).

I had two tutorial classes. I cancelled the other schedule 'cause I really needed time to rest. i have overworked the past few weeks. I still adhere to the saying that "health is wealth." A Filipino adage also says "Aanhin pa ang damo kung patay na ang kabayo?" I had a whole body massage. It's my way of pampering myself. That's why I say, it's a special Saturday because I gave time for myself to have a long time for rest...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Unbearable Truth (September 19,2008)

"My husband died when he was on duty yesterday. He met an accident while doing his job... A van lost its brake. My husband did not have any warning that he would be hit by that van... He died yesterday May. "
Any idea who said this? It's ate Charisse, wife of Kuya William. She is my cousin who is blessed with beauty and intelligence.
Just a short background as to who his husband is, well, Kuya William is close to our family. He is a seaman. He works in a cargo ship.
I and my ex-boyfriend were the commentators during their wedding here in Holy Child Parish Church (Tabango, Leyte). Actually, it was a double wedding. Kuya William and Ryan are brothers. They were married on the same day and at the same time. Filipinos have a belief which we call "sukob" but they do not adhere to this.
What happened may actually be only a coincidence.
Taking from the words of Ate Charisse herself "It is a reality May that people will die but what I really find it difficult to accept is that he was taken away from me very soon. We have barely spent two years as a husband and wife. Your kuya is only 32 years old. He will be 33 this October 8."
I really could not fathom how painful is this for Ate Charisse. When I visited her late this afternoon, she was carrying her baby named Angel. Angel does not have any idea at all as to why the people around her are mourning.
I wish I could ease Ate Charisse' pain but how? I know, it is really totally difficult for her.
God must have reasons why this has happened to Ate Charisse. I just hope that even in this situation Ate Charisse can still see God's hand being extended to her...

Students with problems

There are many students with problems. I prefer to call them that way because I don't believe the phrase "problem students". In one way or another, students who show peculiar attitudes have problems. the peculiarity of their behavior depends on the kind of mask they put on their face so as to forget the problem/s even for a while.
Many times, I told my students that I really adhere to the quotation "Life is what we make it." Our life is defined by every single choice we make each day.
Today, one of the class advisers revealed to me that she has an advisory student who is rumored to be pregnant. Oh! I was really surprised but I suggested that she should clarify the issue. Rumors most of the time are only hearsays. Thus, she called the grandmother and the student. There at the computer room, the student unveiled that she had two months delay of menstruation already. She further confessed that she and a male student made love twice. It was like a roaring thunder to my ears. Why? Because both (male and female) are still very young. The student told us - teachers that she took a medicine to have the fetus aborted. I blantly told her, committing another sin to cover up a sin triples the degree of "sin" she had committed. She cried while saying that she did it because of fear and of shame. This female student is still very young to have such an experience but as I already said she made the choice, right?
This reminds me again of another quotation "A moment of pleasure for a lifetime of pain."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

History Repeats Itself

"History repeats itself."

A coteacher told me at past 5p.m. that he now feels how his parents have felt before when he would sneak out of the house just to attend a disco. He said it is not an "easy feeling". It is now that he understood why his parents wanted him to just stay at home. It was more for his own advantage. He further told me, he now can attest that history really repeats. This time, it is not him who sneaks out but his son.
I was like a counselor today. I've talked to students and also to their parents. I'm not actually against students having "special friends" but I told them not to be crossing boundaries. As young as they are, their focus should be their studies. Lovelife can be set aside. It must not be their priority. Puppy love will fade. I have experienced that. I also liked a classmate before. I even thought of it as love but as time passed by it faded away. Well, I did not engage in any special relationship when I was in high school and college. It was more of my choice because I was determined to finish my studies with flying colors.
I just hope, in case I will have a family of my own, my children (if ever I will have) will tread on the path I've taken. It might not be all the bricks on the path I've walked on, but most of it will do...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Winner

Remember I mentioned about Chamber Theater Competition and Declamation Contest practice during the past few weeks?
Today was the schedule for the Area III (Calubian, Leyte, San Isidro, Tabango, & Villaba)Literary-Musical Competition at Leyte Agro-Industrial School, Leyte, Leyte. The participants and I together with Mrs. Laurente, Mrs. Peñaranda, and Mr. Ancajas left school at 6a.m. We arrived at LAIS around 8a.m.
Guess what? Our school entry for Chamber theater was declared as a champion.
Regarding the Declamation, I still consider the student I have trained as a winner. Why? Because I know the distinction between declamation and dramatic monologue. The one declared as a winner presented the latter.
I know, I cannot just have it all. Anyway, I am contented being the winning coach for the Chamber Theater. Also, I did not give much focus on the declamation. Most of the time during the practice, I have devoted it to Chamber Theater Presentation.
I still wish that during the Division Literary-Musical Contest, MRVNHS will bring home the bacon for Chamber Theater.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pampering Oneself

Have you ever thought of pampering yourself?
I am not saying that you will have to do it every day. Once in a while will do. After all, most of the times you over work yourself. Just like me... Most of the times, you see me working. My coteachers even wonder where I get my energy since aside from teaching I have tutorial classes and online writing job.
Do you know that I also know how to pamper myself? I give rewards to myself when I have achievements. If no one else gives me reward, then who else will do it if not me (just kidding)?
Today, I had a home service for my hair to be cellophaned. "The hair is the crowning glory of a woman", they say. Thus, I really need to take care of it or have somebody work on it so it will become more beautiful...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Sisters

I am the eldest daughter. I've got two sisters - Geraldine (23 years old) and Marianne (16 years old).

The first picture shows Geradine (Gigi). On the other side is the picture of Marianne (Mayenne).

Both of them are really sweet and kind. They have strong determination in terms of reaching their goals. Geraldine studied at UP Tacloban. She finished Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA). Marianne is still a first year college student at St. Paul's Business School in Palo. She is also taking up BSA.

You might say, I am the only one different 'cause I've finished Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in English (BSED).

Don't you know that my favorite subject is Math? Ironic, right? Yes, but I also love English. Well, at LNU, you really have to choose only one major subject. I like Mathematics but because my hobby is writing essays, novelletes, etc. I took up English as my major subject.

People say that Marianne and I have a semblance in terms of physical appearance. In fact, she is said to be "little Inday May". We differ in color though 'cause I've got a white complexion while she is "morena".

Marianne is into sports (chess) and dancing.

Geraldine loves reading. Ask her Harry Potter from Book 1 until the latest sequel she knows that...

I am proud to have them both as my sisters not because they are achievers but because they inspire me to do good and they also make me feel that I am really their big sister.

Friday, September 12, 2008

In God's Time

Many of us dream to be successful in any aspects of our lives. It took me several experiences before I realize that what I ask for is actually given by God.
Of course, I know that God answers in three ways:
1. Yes and gives you what you want
2. No but gives you something else
3. Wait and He gives you the best
Hypocrisy aside, there were times that I felt downhearted because what I ask for was not granted. Well, several experiences proved that God actually has given me answers. It took me several days or even months to realize this.
I do not know if you will agree with me but I believe most of us are impulsive. We want to get what we ask for immediately. I'm used to that also. Since I was young, I was very prayerful and that what I ask for then, were really given. As I grew older, God gives answers still but this time, it is more of "No" and "Wait". Many are blesings in disguise. As time passes by, I see God's answers not in the way I wanted them to be but they are much better than I could ever imagine.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reminiscing the Past

The pictures shown were taken last September 6, 2008 at "Bayabayon ni Agalon", Albuera, Leyte.

With me in the 1st picture (from Left to Right) are Ate Merl and tita Lor. Both of them are my coteachers and also close friends. This was taken before we bathed at the pool.

Obviously, in this picture we were happy swimming at the beach. This time, aside from the two coteachers mentioned, Renalyn (3rd from the left) was with us.

In the 3rd picture, we were at the pool. Ate Danah (behind Tita Lor)was with Kyle, her son. Tita Vilma was with Honey, her daughter.

The 4th picture shows most of the MRVNHS Faculty and Staff. My mom is not in the picture 'cause the time this was taken, she was still in the bathroom with my sister Marianne. (Not in the picture are Ma'am Rosa, Ma'am Rosing, Ate Mimi and Tita Teofing. Ma'am Rosa, Ma'am Rosing and Ate Mimi did not go with us. Tita Teofing went home ahead of us.)

Unwinding is a good practice. As the saying goes, "all work without play makes Johny a dull boy." To get rid of stress, teachers need to have relaxation. Spending time in a place like this, gives room for fun, relaxation, and self-introspection.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Distorted Image of God

After my last period class, on my way to the faculty room I've passed by the JICA Building. In one of the rooms there, I saw my mother talking with one of my co-teachers. The eyes of this co-teacher was welling with tears.
She poured her heart out about her family problems. My mother excused herself so there were only the two of us left. I wish I could do something for her... But how could her problems be solved?
I know, listening to her unraveling her heartaches would somehow ease the pain that she feels deep inside. Her parents and siblings are very dependent to her because she is the only one who has finished a degree.
When she said "Mag-unsa man ko, mao man ni gihatag sa Ginoo sa akoa," in a nice way I told her, that kind of thinking is a distorted image of God. I explained that God is so good. He has gifted us - human beings with will. It is true, he knows the past, present, and future but it is totally unfair to blame God for all our misfortunes.
What she is suffering is a fruit of wrongs decisions made by her parents. Parenting is not easy, right? There are many of them. To be exact "Ate" has seven siblings. Had her parents exercised self-control before then there could only be two or three of them. Life for them would be totally different them.
Anyway, we can't undo what has been done already. What she can do is not to blame her parents. It is already there anyway so she only has to start the change in her own family. She has to make the life of her parents a source of lessons.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Greater Gifts

One line that I love in the movie Spiderman is "With greater gifts come greater responsibilities."
Indeed, you need to share God's blessings. I'd like to give credit to God for all the blesins He has bestowd to me. Well, I believe nothing will be given to me which I cannot bear because He is with me.
While I was having a practice in prepation for the Chamber Theater and Declamation contests, I received a message from Ma'am Chona telling me that we will join the STEP Compettition. There are two contests that we will join: Desktop Publishing and Mr. & Miss STEP.
For the past two years that I came to MRVNHS, I was the coach of Desktop Publishing. Last year, I was given the same task, with an additional one. That is, to be the coach of Miss STEP. Coaching is not an easy task but it gives me a sense of fulfillment when my students win. I consider coaching as a challenge. With all these that I have to coach, time management is the key and most importantly, prayer.
I always believe the adage "there are two elements of success - God and you." I also adhere to the verse in the Bible "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Monday, September 8, 2008

"When It rains..."

Are you familiar with the saying, "when it rains, it pours"?
Well, early in the morning today, Ma'am Chona (my school head) asked me to encode a travel order for Tito Rene. I did, after a while, a parent came asking a form 137. In another while, a student came asking for a good moral certificate. All of those requests have to be fast 'cause Ma'am Chona dropped by only. She was going to Merida Vocational School to attend a one-week training.
Then, Noy Artem (the guard) asked me to be his spokesperson. He wanted to invite my coteachers to have lunch at their house. I informed my coteachers about it. After I have accomplished all the requests, I went to the faculty room. Tito Jun Garnica went there too. He asked me to inform my coteachers that he is giving out snacks during recess time (9:45 a.m.) and dinner (which starts at 5p.m.).
What's the ocassion? Its the fiesta at Tabuc-Suba (Noy Artem's place) and it is Tito Jun's birthday.
When I made the announcement, I told my corteachers:
"Set aside your diet program today. Mark these in your planner:
9:45 - Snacks at the faculty room (Coutesy of Tito Jun)
12:00 - Lunch at Noy Artem's residence
5:00 - Dinner at Tito Jun's House"
Personally, I have set aside my diet program. That's only for today anyway...
Given these situations, can you also conclude that "when it rains, it pours"?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

MRVNHS' Faculty & Staff Get Away to Albuera

For my regular readers, I am sorry, I was not able to post an entry yesterday. I felt exhausted due to so much fun and due to the length of travel... When I arrived at home (with my mother and sister) around 7:15 p.m., I immediately slept.
I have been to Albuera a couple of times already but it was my first time to go to "Baybayon ni Agalon Beach Resort". Spending time with the persons I work with in a different place help us to unwind and get to know each other better.
I love to visit places. Why? Going to a place provides new experiences. It makes you realize that the world is not only composed of your hometown. Furthermore, you will also gain insights in terms of traditions and customs. No place is better than the other, I believe. Yes, "there is no place like home" but it does not mean that your home is better other hometowns. There are many things which may be found in the place you went to that are not in hometown or it is vice-versa.
From among the places I went to, my realizations are these:
#1 No matter which place you are, people seek for happiness. People have strengths and weaknesses.
#2 Places provide new experiences.
#3 Each place has a different custom and tradition.
#4 In each place, friendship can be started.
#5 Every place has people which comes and goes.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Providing opportunities to students

"I'm a teacher who makes a difference."

This is my goal. Many of you might react 'cause you think it is an unreachable dream.

What are my steps to make a difference?

#1 I really prepare for my lessons. With or without the supervision of anyone, I do what I am supposed to do.

#2 I provide opportunities for students to grow.

#3 I am consistent with the rules I want my students to follow.

Most of the times, students say I'm strict but I'm not affected. In fact, I am happy for such a comment. I'd rather be strict and my students learn from me than be too kind and my students might abuse.

Most of the time, my being strict is only a facade. Yes, that is true. My heart bleeds when I reprimand a student but if that is the best way for him/her to learn I am willing to do it over and over agin.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Practice for the Chamber Theater

Our school will join the Chamber Theater, flok dance and declamation contests which will be held at LAIS, Leyte, Leyte on September 15, 2008.

I'm tasked to be the coach for chamber theater and declamation. I've chosen six students for chamber theater and one for declamation. Coaching for such contests is not easy but I take it as a challenge. I told these students involved that our target is to win but of course, we should have a heart to accept defeat. However, I told them, we have to be good competitors.

What does it mean? I told them, if we win then the reason should be that we are great. If in case we lose, all the others should say that we are also good and that there is only a minimal point difference.

During the practice, I'm really very strict. I just hope these students will realize that my being strict is for their own good. After all, they are the ones greatly benefited especially if they win.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dealing with Disappointments

This afternoon, a 4th year student confessed to me why she was absent for two days. She was hesitatant to tell me at first but I was able to persuade her to tell me the reason/s for her absence. She told me she had a hard time accepting her frustration.
She was told to go to a place with a teacher. Unfortunately, a supervisor told our school head that reservations were already done a month ago. Our school was not able to have reservations ahead of time. Thus, her trip with the teacher will be cancelled.
I understand that this student is really anticipating to be able to avail the opportunity but I explained to her that life is like that. There are many things we expect yet, there are circumstances that hinder these expectations to be realized.
I told her, opportunities will still come her way and that as young as she is, she has to know how to face disappointments.
Frustrations are part and parcel of life but the way you deal with these make a difference. A lot of times, I have been faced with disappointments. Though people may think I am very blessed, I also have my share of frustrations/disappointments.
I further told her that the disappointments I have come across did not hinder me to go on with my life. In fact, I've considered those as challenges for me to be better and wiser. Well, if we wallow on derailments, nothing will happen to us. . . 'cause from time to time we would come across these challenges. We just need to be brave and accept the reality that NOT ALL WE WANT IS WHAT WE GET or that WE JUST CANNOT HAVE IT ALL.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Life's Lessons

There are really many lessons that can be learned from life. Every second is coupled with a lesson to learn. Do you agree with me?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Taking a Stand (Part II)

I already gave you three questions to answer yesterday.

In my opinion, you need to take a stand really. It is not good to be staying in the middle. Why? Very simple! If you stay in the middle and there are two big rocks about to crash each other, you will be the very first one to be crashed.

Maybe you have another or even better analogy. Why don't you share it with me?