Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Greater Gifts

One line that I love in the movie Spiderman is "With greater gifts come greater responsibilities."
Indeed, you need to share God's blessings. I'd like to give credit to God for all the blesins He has bestowd to me. Well, I believe nothing will be given to me which I cannot bear because He is with me.
While I was having a practice in prepation for the Chamber Theater and Declamation contests, I received a message from Ma'am Chona telling me that we will join the STEP Compettition. There are two contests that we will join: Desktop Publishing and Mr. & Miss STEP.
For the past two years that I came to MRVNHS, I was the coach of Desktop Publishing. Last year, I was given the same task, with an additional one. That is, to be the coach of Miss STEP. Coaching is not an easy task but it gives me a sense of fulfillment when my students win. I consider coaching as a challenge. With all these that I have to coach, time management is the key and most importantly, prayer.
I always believe the adage "there are two elements of success - God and you." I also adhere to the verse in the Bible "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

I am hoping te that this coming thursday you will win in the chamber theater and also for the declamation.
Please video that one so I can see their performance when I'll be at Tabango.

May you'll bring also the bacon during the STEP Competition te. I know you can really do it. I'm very optimistic 'cause I believe in your capabilities. Go te!